"Nude Student gets tazed and tackled" - taken from "The Daily Aztec"
A nude student was tackled and tazed by campus police in Love Library Wednesday night.
Campus police received a call from the convenience store that a man was undressing and kicking things in the Aztec Market, Lt. Sonny Cavarlez said.
Erin Lynn, an employedd of the store, said the man took orr all of his clothes in the store, poured coffee over his head and then ran headfirst into the window of the store.
He fell back and ran into the window a second time, she said.
The man then left the convenience store naked and walked to the library. There an off duty officer tackled him by the neck....
"He was fighting so hard, we had to taze him three times," Cavarlez said...
The hot coffee he poured on himself at the convenience store made him slippery and hard to tackle, Cavarlez said after the incident....
Police initially suspected the man wa on drugs, but when he was taken to Mercy Hospital for a complete toxicology exam, the police report showed no illicit drugs in his body.
"I'm on race." The naked man said while lying on the ground. "Class, gender. I'm a homo," he added.
When one of the lietenants asked him his name, he said "Heather Will."...
The student had blood on his foreheada, probably from running into the glass at the convenience store.
"I just thought that was ridiculous how many times they shocked him and how long, and how they were just talking about it right in front of him. That was very inappropriate, unprofessional to me," marketing senior Michelle Castro said...
"No criminal charges are being filed against him because he was not in control of his mental faculties, even though one of the officers was hurt," Cavarlez said.
Police filed a mental evaluation report and referred him to Counseling and Psychological Services.
"I just feel sorry for the person. I hope whatever problem he has with his family or personally, that it's going to be rectified. This university, because he is a student, will do everything we can to provide the help," Cavarlez said.