Wednesday, September 01, 2004

Dorm Life

Some fun things about living in a dorm that I've found so far (I'm sure there are much more that I dont' know yet)
1. You can never JUST go to the pee or take a shower or blow dry your hair or brush your teeth. It always takes a minimum 8 minutes because of talking to people.
2. It hasn't been this way too much yet, but it will be more so later... Everyone always has their door open, definitely never lonely.
3. Seems like there's always something to do, watching movies, going to the gym, eating, talking, or just hanging out.
4. The elevator ride is never lonely, in fact often it may be a little too cozy. Branching off of that there aren't supposed to be more than 8 people in the elevator or it gets stuck, and 8 is plenty cozy. Some people tried to test it the other day, 24 of them, and got stuck between the 7th and 8th floor, haha.
5. I'm actually on my own, lots to that one. Stay up as late as I want without someone telling me to go to bed (even though i've been so tired I haven't stayed up that late yet). Eat whatever I want, not necessarily good either. Own laundry that I'm gonna do today and use the change the Smiths gave me :). Lots of other stuff.
6.... Don't have a 6 yet, I'm sure there are tons more though.

Only not so nice thing is a somewhat lack of privacy, I mean I expected this, but still it's an adjustment.


At 9/03/2004 11:28:00 AM, Blogger OutOfTheSilent said...

keep them comming I am still reading through starting with the emma post... I am a little behind... but know that I am reading... and will soon be caught... Very cool about the freedom... but with freedom comes responsibility.... so yeah...


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