Wednesday, May 31, 2006

Hoola Hooping

Cerise and I are pretty good at entertaining ourselves... Tonight we did it with a 99 cent hoola hoop! I know, you're jealous. We also bought squirt guns and goggles to wear during a squirt gun fight and a toy gun that shoots plastic balls. All this fun for another night :) We were trying to look for sleds or discs like you're supposed to use in the snow and find a hill to sled down! But so far no luck finding those.

I noticed the video does a little of the Japanese animation not matching the words with the mouth movements, haha.


My sister and I made shirts when I was home. This picture doesn't really do them justice though cause they have a cute little design on the bottom side and on the back.
I had such a good time with my sister. I miss her already!!
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By June 15thish I'm supposed to be moving into another apartment with Corrie. That would be in about 2 weeks. We still haven't found a place for sure. Tomorrow I'm going to go look and hopefully find something and sign a lease or at least put an application in!! Wish me luck. I need this stress to go away!

Planned Parenthood??

I got a letter from Planned Parenthood today. Cerise was like "Why in the heck did YOU get something from them?" Haha, seriously.
The non-climactic ending to the story was that it was just them trying to campaign for something. But still, a little entertainment. :)

Tuesday, May 30, 2006

A Bit Discouraged

I got back to San Diego this morning after a nice week at home.
One of the things I was counting on this summer was working at least 30 hours a week. I will be paying for everything on my own this summer and working an almost minimum wage job for less than 30 hours a week just won't work. Last summer many people went home so those left at the bookstore worked at least 30 hours each week.
All this to say next week I am working only 16 hours, possibly 21 because Saturday hasn't been scheduled yet. That's basically an indication of what it's going to be all summer. Hazard of them having too many supervisors and this summer no one going home!
So I'm a little frustrated. Unless something changes I'm going to have to get a second job. I really don't want to go through applying and interviewing and finding someone who will work around my other job and the class I'm taking.
Ugh! Why? Seriously?

Friday, May 26, 2006

Vacation at Home

I've been back in Long Beach for almost a week now and realized that I haven't done one update!
Nothing too exciting here, mainly alot of going to bed early and sleeping in.
I haven't really hung out with anyone but my family, oh yeah and Corrie and her family on Corrie's birthday :) But it has been nice just to hang out and see them.
My mom and I of course went shopping. I think one of the reasons we enjoy it so much is because we can talk while we shop!
I've been on call for jury duty all week, but didn't have to go in once. Sweet!
I told myself I was going to lay out every day to get tan in the beginning of summer, but today will be the first time.
I'm planning on going back to San Diego Tuesday night. I'll admit I'm a bit antsy to get back. Now that I've had a little break I'm really starting to stress about everything that I need to figure out. A new place to live in about 3 weeks being the main one! I didn't really get that huge relief feeling after school ended this time I think because that was just one of the many things on my plate right now. :/

Saturday, May 20, 2006

Duh Dun nu nu nuuuh nu

I just got done working at the graduation ceremony. That was me singing the graduation song that is stuck in my head in case you haven't figured that one out yet ;)
I thought once school was finally over I would get a chance to sleep. But this morning I had to be at graduation at 6:30... eww.
I'm about to pack to go home for a week. It's kind of strange finishing school and only going home for one week. I know my parents are sad that I won't be home all summer, but what can you do?
Anyway going home for a bit will be nice. Minus the fact that I have jury duty Monday :(
Boy, it seems like I never go home anymore unless I have an excuse. This summer I have to make a point of visiting more often!

Thursday, May 18, 2006


I'm officially done with my second year of college! Last night while studying Jenn and I decided to quit school and just go to beauty school.


Has been my least favorite subject all semester. It's my last final and I am just so over it it's ridiculous. I wish I could understand it better. Too late now I guess. I'll be lucky to pass this class :(

Wednesday, May 17, 2006

One More Day Folks

Woohoo! And one more completely sleepless night.

Monday, May 15, 2006

On my friend Tracy's Away Message, I thought it felt about right:

Today we salute you, stressed out college student during exam week. As you sit in your lonely cubicle in the library, doped up on starbucks & aderol, you think to yourself, am I ever going to need to know this stuff in life? The distractions are tempting and you have suddenly diagnosed yourself with ADD, along with advanced delusionary schizophrenia with involuntary narcissistic rage. I'm sure by now you know exactly what everyone is doing because you have checked your buddy list 800 times. [Summer] break is just days away, and your prozac prescription will be in tomorrow. So crack open an ice cold Bud Light after that last exam, because for most of us, [summer] will be spent in rehab."

Sunday, May 14, 2006

California is the Best

I went to Sushi tonight with a few friends. At the restaurant they were playing hip hop music. And there were TV's on at the same time on a Spanish station.
I thought it was rather entertaining.

Friday, May 12, 2006


I was just talking to someone the other day about living situations and moving and realized how much it is going to be.
Basically I will be moving into a new apartment sometime in June. Then moving again in August. Then leaving for England (hopefully) in January. Then trying to find a place again when I come back before school in August. In 1 year that is moving about 4 times.
Seriously, who does that?

Tuesday, May 09, 2006

My Life

Finals start Thursday. I only have to take 2 of them, SWEET. Had 2 tests today. Majorly tired. I think I want to go sit in the jacuzzi for a while tonight to untense myself.
Working buyback again. Always nice for lots of hours and a significant pay raise. But tired already after only 2 days.
Yeah, so that's me right now. In a week and a day I'm done for this semester! Yah!

Thursday, May 04, 2006

2 Years

I just realized I've been blogging for 2 years now. That's a long time for Laura to stick with something!

Monday, May 01, 2006

Busy but fun weekend :)

On Friday I went with a few friends to the Padres game. We thought it would be fun to do something different, and they were playing the Dodgers. Kind of my home team I guess :) It was definitely fun going, but boy the Padres suck this year! Sorry Padres fans!
Saturday I had to work and then work on a project at school afterwards. At night I went to a friend from works birthday party. That was fun.
Yesterday seemed to revolve around meals. After church I went out to Wendy's with a girl I met at the women's retreat last weekend. We actually sat and talked at Wendy's for 2 hours! It was fun though, nice to be making friends. Last night Cerise, Jenn and I cooked dinner for Cerise's new boyfriend. Instead of a "Meet the Parents" it was kind of like a "Meet the Room mates" night. It was fun making tacos and salsa and guacamole and cake together. Our kitchen is a little small for 3 people! But that made it all the more fun. We sat around after dinner until almost midnight. So that's how my day revolved around food!
Anyway, good weekend! Now a week and a half left of school, then finals, then summer! Woohoo!