Friday, December 14, 2007


Finally!!!! 5 weeks off here I come!!!

Thursday, December 13, 2007

Just 1 More...

1 more final to go! Of course it does happen to be my hardest class... Finance. But as of 10am tomorrow I will officially be done with this semester. SO EXCITED!

Tuesday, December 11, 2007


My final tomorrow is for my writing class. We read a book on the Vietnam war a while ago. Then the 2nd to last day of class we started watching a video on the war. After getting to class about 10 minutes late I pretty much zoned out during most of the movie. Then the last day of class (which I skipped for work) we finished the video.

I learned a few hours ago that my final tomorrow is going to be an in class essay comparing the book and movie. GREAT. Way to go Laura. I DID at least read the book. I'm hoping I can remember what I did see of the video and just kind of wing it.

Anyway, I'm off to bed very early for me. Might as well sleep since there isn't much to study for for tomorrow.

Monday, December 10, 2007

If I were ever a teacher...

I would NOT give cummulative finals. I think they are one of the dumbest ideas ever. This isn't even me complaining because I have 2 cummulative finals tomorrow.
Just listen to my logic for a second.
- If the material has already been tested on a midterm, why do we have to be tested on it again?
- How can we go through and relearn an ENTIRE semesters (15 weeks) worth of work in a week or so? If we actually have a week to study.
- What if we have 5 finals (like myself). Although this one class may be important, it isn't the most important and we STILL have to study for the other tests!
- How can you learn all that material well? If there is that much to study, what is learned will only be learned in a surface learning way. If there was a smaller amount on the test the material could be learned better.

For me personally having a cummulative final is almost more detrimental. I'm thinking, "How in the heck can I study an entire semesters worth of material in such a short time??" And then in turn I'm just like, well screw it, and I'm not even motivated anymore.

So I have 2 cummulative finals tomorrow. I've been studying all day. And I'm not even sure what I studied, and there's probably so much more I should study.

Alright, done venting, back to studying. This is dumb.

Thursday, December 06, 2007

"Delete From Friends"

Did you ever notice that when you look at someone's bulletin on myspace you are given 2 options.

1. Reply to Poster

That's fairly intense. I don't like that you just talked about how bored you were... so you are NO LONGER MY FRIEND.
Let's not lie, if you are both on myspace but not friends yet... it's not true friendship.

Anyone who hasn't noticed that I was joking about that last part doesn't know me well enough... So I am deleting you from my friends list. :P

Sunday, December 02, 2007


The next 2 weeks are going to be PSYCHO. Actually the craziness started last Thursday already. I have 1 more week of classes, then a week of 5 finals. AND I'm working EVERY DAY until school is over. More than 40 hours a week. I can't complain because I did it to myself. I didn't have to work this much. But I jumped on the opportunity to make a TON of money in just a couple of weeks right before Christmas and to save up for a road trip this summer.

So I'm freaking out... Pray that I don't just completely DIE of exhaustion!