So long
"So long sweet summer, we stumbled upon you and greatfully basked in your rays". - Dashboard Confessional
Nice and gloomy and rather cold today. You may think I'm weird, but I actually like gloomy days, I love being able to curl up with a blanket and sit in front of the fireplace. Of course there are no fireplaces in the dorms, but I still like the gloom. Too bad not having a sweatshirt made it a little less fun though.
This is a picture of the gloom from "Da Roof" on the 6th floor. Not just The Roof, but "Da Roof". It's pretty fun, when it was sunny there are always people tanning out there. And if I am ever talking to you on the phone that's where I go. Anyway it has a cool view. I sat out there for about half an hour the other night just because I needed to think and get away, it was nice.

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