Friday, June 30, 2006

Too many movies?

Last night I went to see Superman Returns. The night before that I saw Click. Last week I went to see The Break Up. And tonight I'm going to see The Devil Wears Prada!
I'm normally not that big of a movie person! If you haven't yet seen Superman Returns or Click, I would definitely recommend them both. I didn't know what to expect out of Superman, and it ended up being really good. I wasn't expecting Click to be all that great just because they advertised it soo much. But I definitely liked that one as well!

Thursday, June 29, 2006

New Slideshow

Look up and check it out if you haven't seen it yet.

Working Out is Cool

Endorphins are awesome.

My 21st birthday is in 3 Months and 10 days. Sweet... but who's counting? ;)

Wednesday, June 28, 2006


My camera officially died. It only lasted about 2 years... but the fact that I carried it around with me everywhere probably didn't help it's life. Sadness.

Tuesday, June 27, 2006


Last night I was making a left on a busy street and accidentally ran over a median! I seriously didn't see it at all until it was too late and I was going too fast to not go over it. I can't believe I did that. Cerise was with me and we couldn't stop cracking up. Oh yes... and Cerise snorts now when she laughs, it's quite hilarious!

Monday, June 26, 2006

Lots and Lots of Cleaning!

I'm not really sure if Benita (our new room mate) has ever really cleaned the apartment. After looking for cleaning supplies and finding only bleach and a Mr. Clean multi surface cleaner... I can see why. So around 11:00 last night I went to the grocery store to buy a bunch of cleaning supplies. When I went to try and leave, my car wouldn't start. I am getting really tired of this car. I waited by myself for the AAA guy to come give me a jump and called Jackie to tell her I couldn't pick her up from the airport like I was supposed to :(. That leaves me buying a new battery today. I don't think I will ever have money in my bank account again!
Anyway, I came home and hardcore cleaned the kitchen until about 1:30. It looks sooo much better, although the whole apartment smells like cleaning stuff now! Today is onto the rest of the apartment...

Sunday, June 25, 2006


Whenever I move there is always at least one thing that I lose and never find again, or misplace and it turns up way later.
This time around it was a box of necklaces that also had the 3 rings that I always wear in it. I've looked everywhere I can think of, but can't find it. I definitely remember it being packed... I just don't know what happened after that. Why couldn't I have lost something like my deoderant that I can just go buy more of later?
I really hope it turns up!

No TV?

When we first moved into our new apartment we had basic cable... But all of a sudden about a week or so ago it was turned off. Our other room mate is home for her grandmother's funeral, so can't really ask her about it now.
It's weird not having it at all. I think we very fuzzily get one random channel. It's funny how you take things for granted and then poof! they're gone.
It really doesn't bother me too much, more time to catch up on reading! Right now I'm in the middle of Oliver Twist. Before that I breezed through a random Dean Koontz book. In the beginning of the summer I went to Barnes and Noble with my sister and we each picked out a ton of books, many of which we plan on mailing back and forth. So TV becomes replaced with reading... not really a bad trade off.

Saturday, June 24, 2006


I really need to get on that second job deal. Money is slipping away... really fast. Not on exciting stuff either... gas, rent, food. Dangit.

Friday, June 23, 2006


We have been working on doing inventory at the bookstore. Believe you me it is a pain in the butt. Basically we have to count and then recount everything in the store. It's a little more complicated than that, but that's the gist of it.
I actually didn't have to count, which was nice. One of the other supervisor's and myself were in charge of fixing mistakes in the system and organizing all of the counting sheets. Definitely not that exciting... and you are probably going "why is she writing about this"? I don't really know... I just wanted to update and for now there isn't much else going on.
1 Other random thing I can think of. I haven't slept through the night in a week. I keep waking up in the middle of the night in pain and needing to take more pain killers, and then it takes me awhile to fall back asleep. Anyone have any suggestions for something that will truly last for at least 8 hours? I'm exhausted.

Tuesday, June 20, 2006

Lamely Still In Pain

This whole wisdom tooth thing is getting old. I still can't chew anything, so I am kind of hungry because liquid stuff is getting old. Even if I could chew my jaw hurts if I move it too much.
So I also can't talk all that much. Although I did talk alot more today than I have been. Yesterday a random bruise formed on the side of my face that's been giving me more pain. At least I can use make up!
How long is this supposed to last?
The other random thing is I barely do anything and I'm exhausted. Yesterday after driving home I went to my 2.5 hour class and was dying by the end of it. Corrie and I went to a movie after and I just sat there the whole time not talking and with as little expression as I could manage so my mouth wouldn't hurt more. I am such a bum friend!
Today all I did was lay out and go to class and now I am hanging out with Cerise. Again, exhausted and sore... hmmm.
I'm a tad worried about tomorrow. I work a full day, then have about an hour break before class. Right after class I'm driving home because my appointment to get my stitches out is 8:00 Thursday morning. Right after the appointment I have to drive back to work another full day because we are doing inventory at work this week.
Normally doing all of this isn't that big of a deal and I can handle it... but my lame wisdom teeth (or I guess lack there of) are interfering!!

Sunday, June 18, 2006

In Recovery

I got my wisdom teeth pulled Friday morning. I don't think I mentioned it before but all 4 of them were impacted. Meaning they were sideways and under my jaw. The oral surgeon literally had to break each one in half and remove part of my jaw bone by each tooth.
Needless to say all I've been doing is sleeping and laying around while being doped up on Vicodin and other fun drugs.
When the surgery was all finished and I had been laying down in "recovery" for a while I was finally able to go home. I tried to walk but almost passed out and got really nauscious... so I got to be one of the "cooler" people to get wheeled out in a wheel chair. When I got home I managed to pass out on the bathroom floor. Luckily I landed on the floor and didn't hit anything on the way down. I think I just gave my dad a bit of a scare.
Needless to say since then I wasn't allowed to walk by myself for awhile, haha.
I'm still in a little pain, but at least 10 times better than Friday.
I wouldn't be surprised if I've managed to lose a little weight either... seeing as how it takes me about 45 minutes to eat a small bowl of applesauce.
At least this is a "one time only" experience!
And yes, I do very much resemble a chipmunk right now.

Thursday, June 15, 2006

Wisdom Teeth...

Tomorrow morning I'm getting my wisdom teeth pulled. I'm really not excited. Of course I shouldn't be excited, but you know.
Hopefully I'm not out for too long... I have to be back in San Diego by Monday night! Oh yeah, I'm home so mi familia can take care of me while I have chipmunk cheeks and am doped up on Vicodin.

Tuesday, June 13, 2006


I don't think we have internet. Which isn't too big of a deal since I have other places I can use the internet. Right now I am "borrowing" someone's wireless who doesn't have a password. I am going to be very careful not to use it all that often though.
Anyway, time to go to class. It's nice to get one class out of the way, but it is definitely intense. 3 days a week for 2.5 hours a day for 6 weeks, reading one chapter before every class. I just bought the book today and haven't read anything yet, so I'm already 2 chapters behind!

We're Here!

Corrie and I are officially moved in. I am physically exhausted right now. We basically have been non-stop moving and unpacking and packing since Friday. Last night we finally went to bed around 2:00am. Things aren’t completely unpacked… but they are almost there.
I haven’t really been “home” too much yet. I had work today, then went to hang out with my friend Jackie before going to my first day of summer school. Then went and hung out with Cerise and ate pizza at my “old” apartment. I am going to be spending quite a lot of money on gas this summer I can already tell. Point Loma and my new apartment is a good 15 to 20 minutes away from my “life”. By life I mean school, work, most of my friends. That’s ok, I’m willing to make the drive.
I still need to get that second job. I filled out an application to PetSmart online, but need to actually go in there and talk to someone to see if they are hiring. Otherwise Starbucks is having a big hiring fair on Wednesday, so I’ll check that one out. I know there are a ton of other places to try to get hired… I’m just going with what is easy to apply to first, and if that doesn’t work then I’ll apply to more places.
I’m actually not sure right now if we have internet or not. We haven’t really seen Benita, our new room mate, too much yet. I have to unpack/find my box of cords to be able to figure it out! So who knows when this will actually be posted.

Sunday, June 11, 2006

I Almost Died

Friday while helping Corrie move stuff to the church to get ready for a huge garage sale one of Corrie's teens, Saydee, accidentally threw Corrie's keys on the roof. I don't know why I, the shortest one, volunteered to go up there and get them. But needless to say 5 minutes later after getting help up onto a wall I was on the roof.
Getting up was easy. It was getting down that was the hard part. I was probably only about 6 inches from the top of the wall, but it was a skinny wall with a loose brick.
I didn't think I could make it, but tried anyways. Next thing I know I am on the ground after slipping and hitting the wall really hard on the way down. Somehow I managed to get away with only a really big bruise and a few other minor (in comparison to the bruise at least) cuts and scrapes.
Here's the bruise, I had to take a picture of it cause I think it's probably one of the most awesome I've ever had! It basically takes up almost the whole back of my leg and part of the side :) Oh yeah and don't freak out cause the top of my leg that you see isn't my butt... just my chunky legs.

Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting

Anyway today Corrie and I are moving all day. So I need to get back to packing!

Tuesday, June 06, 2006

Little Update

Corrie and I have a place to live. Thank God! Literally. Just a little reminder that He is in control, amid all of the stress. After Melissa Mae's suggestion I looked on for a room for rent instead of an apartment. I found one in Point Loma for a pretty decent price. We're supposed to be moving on Sunday.
As far as wrapping things up with my apartment right now, things aren't quite going as planned. But I guess everything can't work out perfectly.
The new place seems to be working out great though. The other girl we're going to be living with seems super nice and sweet.
Anyway, God is good. I didn't really realize how stressed I was about the whole thing until I finally found a place!

Monday, June 05, 2006

Starting off the Summer

Last night we had another water gun fight. But this time it was much more massive because we had a few more people, and it was outside at around 10 at night. Hope we didn't bother the neighbors too much :/
Today after church the college group went to Soup Plantation for lunch. It was a ncie little hang out time. The group is much smaller now that school is out and a lot of people have gone home for the summer.
After that Jenn and Jackie and I went to the beach. I absolutely love the beach! I can't live anywhere not on a coast or I might suffocate to death. We played volleyball for a while, layed out a bit, splashed around in the waves a bit. Just enjoyed a nice few hours at the beach.
Jenn and I worked out when we got back. Gotta get ready for bathing suit season... even though it's already here.
Somehow Cerise and I were talking about old camp games (she was a daycamp counselor too so we know alot of those same cheesy songs and games and such) and we were talking about Chubby Bunny. Well Jenn and Jackie had never heard of the game before, so we decided to go get marshmallows and teach them how to play! It was quite funny and entertaining. I lost right away though, I was never any good at that game.

Friday, June 02, 2006


I think one of my wisdom teeth is starting to come in. It has been hurting a lot for the last few days :( Plus all of my wisdom teeth are impacted under my jaw bone and coming in sideways. So it's pushing on my other teeth to hurt them worse! Time to get them taken out :(

Thursday, June 01, 2006


Cerise and I had a massive unplanned water gun fight in the apartment! She started it. Buuuut it kind of looked like a war zone of water for a while. Water all over the walls, the TV, the floor, our computers, turtles tank, the kitchen, me, Cerise, some on Jenn although she didn't really choose to participate, she was just kind of an innocent bystander!
It was basically pretty awesome... although I do have some rug burns in a few random places now!

Ok... almost time for a midnight slurpee run!