Monday, September 27, 2004

God is Amazing.

There is a situation that I have been dealing with and struggling with for over a month now. I'm not going to elaborate on it, but I have just been extremely confused. Not sure how to think or feel or act or make decisions. I kept it inside of me, I shared with a few close friends, but who I really needed to share it with was God. A friend gave me the good advice to pray about it. Yes this may have seemed like an obvious thing to some, but it was something I hadn't brought to God in a few weeks. So I have been praying, and struggling to figure out what God wanted, what his intention was out of all of this, and what I am supposed to do. Tonight he spoke to me throught The Flood, a church service. The solution was simple but not the easy path.
It's funny how we always want to solve things ourselves, at least i am that way. But ultimately some situations are not meant for us to handle on our own, that is why God is there. Not only for us to simply pray on the surface to, but to go deep, to cry to him, to question him because we don't understand. Tonight he has brought me to an understanding and it feels so much better to know that he is there for me, that he is helping and giving the best advice imaginable. The situation is not going to get better immediately, but God will help. I still don't know how things will ultimately turn out, but he is there to help me and guide me through it.
Thank you God.
"Praise be to the Lord, for he has heard my cry for mercy. The Lord is my strength and my shield; my heart trusts in him, and I am helped. My heart leaps for joy and I will give thanks to him in song." - Psalm 28; 6-7


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