Wednesday, September 15, 2004

Lesson of the Day

At work today I was trying to come up with ideas for this speech that I have to give tomorrow (and still have yet to write). The ideas given to me by some comments were very good ones. In fact I thought alot about coming up with a Eulogy about Joel Hyde and feel that unfortunately right now I do not have the emotional energy to really take something like this on. And I want something taht I write about how Joel has affected me and changed my life to be something well thought out so that it can possibly have some effect on others. I needed to think of something simple, because I really don't have much time to write it. So I was asking some fellow coworkers about dating fun or funny meeting boyfriend/girlfriend experiences they've had so that I could take one of their stories and turn it into a toast.
My lesson of the day is to not ask people you don't know very well about their somewhat personal stories. One of my fellow lady coworkers told me her and her last boyfriend met randomly and went out the same day, and then she became pregnant. I was slightly confused, but I just should have left it there I guess. But of course I didn't, so I said "wait, so you became pregnant that same night?". Yes I am a little naiive sometimes. Yes that same night she was pregnant. My dumbness again "So do you have a child now?" I was actually really afraid she was going to say she had an abortion because my spirits would have been down the rest of the day. "No, I had a miscarriage luckily". Luckily? How sad is that one? But apparently she continued to date this guy for 6 more months. Wow. Shocking story. It's hard for me to comprehend how someone could just have sex the first night they meet a person, get pregnant, and then be happy that their baby died. Of course now saying this, I guess she might have actually had an abortion but didn't feel like telling that to a basic stranger. Sad times though. I mean I know it happens all of the time. But she didn't act like what happened was something wrong.
There are so many lost people, where can we as Christians start in helping these people find God. To find a purpose. To know and understand that they are so loved by God that they don't have to go sleeping around to try and feel good about themselves? I don't know who I am going to try and help. But I know that I need to be an example everywhere. In every opportunity to share with others who God is and how important a life with Him is. This whole example thing is not going to be easy or always fun, but it is something I want to work on. Even today I didn't take the opportunity to share with this girl about anything. It was hard since I didn't really know her and didn't feel it was my place to continue what was already an awkward conversation. But maybe then this is also just an excuse, excuses that I need to stop coming up with.


At 9/16/2004 09:47:00 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

THis truly a sad story but i do not think that it is fair for you to assume she did this because she wanted to feel good about herself or implying that shes degrading herself. Sometimes people do things for other reasons that we may not see so it is not fair for us to assume without knowing her whole story. I hope she makes better decisions for herself in the future, but do you think that belief in God sovles all of our problems or situations?

At 9/16/2004 11:57:00 AM, Blogger OutOfTheSilent said...

Do what The Master taught us to do... Love... That is where it begins at least. You must have a compation for people and as "anonymous" state we need to be carefull of the judgemental things that come to mind. Often times in our passion to "figure things out" we judge, there is a fine line here. Although I would probably come to some conclusions as well, those conclusions must be put aside, so that I can see this person that God has brought into my life, and love them. I don't think your thoughts were judgemental, I believe there is a moral standard, and as a world we should morn the death, abuse of a child.

So in short: LOVE. Then see what comes next.


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