Friday, September 29, 2006

A Day Off?

Tomorrow I have my first real "day off" in what seems like forever! I don't have to work, it's Saturday so there are no classes, and I don't have anything else planned!
Of course when you get a random day off once in a blue moon it kind of gets invaded by all of the things that you haven't yet had time to do, or have just been putting off.
So my day off turned into something more like this:

- Catch up on reading... 246 pages of philosophy and business law to be exact
- laundry
- clean the entire apartment (I have been way slacking on helping out)
- grocery store
- target
- go get passport application
- take passport picture
- work on London application
- grocery shop (I'm basically down to a can of green beans and jelly for food)
- make a hair appointment
- work on Accounting homework problems
- work on at least one scholarship
- figure out student loan stuff
- and get my internet set up (we have internet now but I'm still stealing from a neighbor)

Phew! I need a day off from my day off! I know one thing is for sure though. No matter how much I have to do tomorrow I am sleeping in!! I've been sooo tired lately!

Monday, September 25, 2006


That's basically how I feel about school right now.
I'm exhausted.
Oh and hey, today was Emma's 20th birthday.

Thursday, September 21, 2006

Adopt a College Student

My church started this little "Adopt a College Student" program. Basically a family can "adopt" a couple of college students and do things like cook them homecooked meals once or twice a month. I think it's a cool idea. Not just so we can get some good food every once in awhile, but also to be able to meet a family in the church. (Although for me working with the 5th and 6th graders has helped some of that already). From what I've heard there are many family's excited about the program as well.
I know I'm excited! :-D

In other random news...

The study abroad program I was planning on applying for to Nottingham England no longer exists. I'm looking into other programs but am really bummed and a little stressed out because applications are due really soon. More on that later...
Grey's Anatomy season premier is tonight! Woohoo! I'm supposed to be picking up pizza and heading over to Cerise's to watch it right now.
School is scary, but that's ok. I spent the last couple of days attempting to catch up on sleep.
I dyed the bottom of Amy's hair hot pink last night. It looks sweet!
My 21st birthday is coming up really soon....

Monday, September 18, 2006

Papers Stink

Upper division philosophy papers written at the last minute stink even more. :(

Wednesday, September 13, 2006

I Have Decided...

I really like 5th and 6th graders. It is just a fun age to work with. Still kids, yet old enough to be sarcastic with or serious if need be.
I hated my 5th and 6th grade years... but I love these 5th and 6th graders! Haha.

Monday, September 11, 2006

Way Behind!

Yikes. I am way behind in all of my classes. I spent the majority of the weekend that I was actually in my apartment (not much) trying to catch up a little.
Sorry I haven't really blogged in a while. Normally when I'm busy I still manage to post random things. But I literally haven't been home enough to do even that!
This week things are slowing down a little in some areas, but still going crazy in others! Work, school, church, friends (no time for anything else!).
Friday is my moms birthday, and it's also Naz Night at Six Flags. So I'm planning on going home Thursday probably through Saturday. Sunday the college group at church is having lunch with the pastor and I kind of want to go to that. We'll see.
No time to really catch up on things though! I have so much reading and already have a paper due in a week and no time to work on that one :(
Ah! Ok... trying not to freak out...

Saturday, September 09, 2006


I was curious how much I spent in gas over the summer. Turns out in 12 weeks I spent $553.02 and filled up 16 times. Yikes. For me that's a little over what I make in a month. :(
No wonder I didn't manage to save anything over the summer!
I think taking the trolley to school this semester was definitely a good idea.

Saturday, September 02, 2006


I decided to go home for the weekend. Leaving probably in a few minutes. Since it's a 3 day weekend I figured i should take advantage since I haven't been home in at least a month and probably have a few more weeks before I'll be able to go home again!

I went to the football game on Thursday with some friends. It was an absolute blast! Except we lost... which we normally do so oh well!

School pride.
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Friday, September 01, 2006

Club 56

So I'm really excited about the Club 56 group Amy and I are going to lead at church! We start this coming up Wednesday... just a few days away! I'm glad that Amy has already done this before because I'm not 100% sure what to expect or exactly how things are supposed to work.
Pray that everything gets off to a good start, and that we can show God's love to these 5th and 6th graders through both the whacky fun and serious times.
So far there are about 20 kids who have expressed an interest in coming! That's a little overwhelming... although super exciting at the same time!