Thursday, September 02, 2004

What I want to be doing...

Right now I want to be packing for Hume Lake. But instead the homework load has begun. I have 20 pages of Sociology to read, 50 pages of a communications book to read, worksheets and labs for spanish to do, and a vocabulary test to study for for spanish as well. I just got back from work so I get to begin right now, fun. I'm already behind from working too much, but next week shouldn't be quite as bad, I only work 3 days. Did i mention before that being a full time student and part time worker is going to be hard? because it is. I'm already behind in week 1 and I won't have the weekend to catch up. Ahh! I guess spending your one day off at downtown san diego with a bunch of dorm girls isn't the smartest thing though.
Oh well this weekend should be a blast, and I feel a little break is much needed. Also sadly I have not been spending as much time as I need to and want to spend with God and it makes things more difficult. Hopefully at Hume Lake camp I'll be able to refocus myself and spend a lot of time with Him. I don't want this to be a continual problem, I really need to figure something out.

Person of the day or POD:
smoking pregnant possibly drunk young freshmen girl who I rang up at the bookstore. The fact that she was in college actually impressed me a little. But I really feel bad for the young child who she is bringing into this world. He/She may have many problems because of his mothers decisions right now. Poor kid, he's in my prayers, as is the mother who will hopefully realize what she is doing.


At 9/03/2004 11:25:00 AM, Blogger OutOfTheSilent said...

I will be praying for you too and your bad smoking drinking habbits... did I get that right...

At 9/05/2004 08:59:00 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

welcome to college babe! believe me, all of these things will be a constant struggle. It's so hard to balance the Lord, school, work, and social life. Freshman year really sets the mark for all these things and the lifestyle pattern you will have over the next few years. Try to find your nitch and discover the minute gaps you have throughout your day to read a couple pages or call a friend and remember the awesome fact the the Lord is the one thing that can't be squeezed in because He's always with you: while working, studying, and hanging out. Just make sure to ackowledge Him! (Still, daily time being set apart just for Him is needed, but you get what I'm saying right?)


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