A month and a half. That's how long I've been here at SDSU now. It may not seem like that long, but it's long enough to figure out many things. Myself, as well as many others included, are starting to figure out who we are going to remain friends with for the rest of the year, who we don't necessarily like, and those that are in between, where as in the beginning of the year everyone was nice to each other, whether fake or sincere.
There are many friends back home who have lost touch, and I probably won't talk to ever again sadly.
At the same time there are those really good friends who you can always call and who also have become if at all possible, even better friends.
Families will continue to miss you and call often. But I'm really proud of my parents, I talk to them about once every 3 days or so, which is pretty good.
It's ok to call your parents if you don't know what Vitamin D milk means, or you have a stain on a shirt and aren't sure how to get it out, or even just miss them a little bit.
I've began to learn how to manipulate the meal plan to it's fullest potential, spending the exact 6.90 for lunch and 8.90 for dinner, hopefully getting enough for leftovers later or for the weekend when the meal plans don't work.
If possible it's much better to go to the grocery store for food because it's about half as expensive as the Aztec Markets.
School and work are finally getting manageable. It helps that I'm not working quite as much as before, but also I've further learned to manage my time.
I know now that I can't be on AIM all of the time because it is too distracting.
That Sophia is an extremely light sleeper while I am a heavy one. So since all of her classes start later than mine I've become used to her yelling "Laura!" to wake me up when I don't hear the alarm, or getting hit by a pillow to wake me up.
Phone bills are more expensive if you go over your alloted amount of text messages a month.
No matter how much time you think you have to study, you always have to factor in at least an hour of distractions or socializing that is inevitable, but not always necessarily bad.
The library is open until 1AM, and is always a nice place to sleep in between classes.
It's ok to miss just one class every here and there if there is just no possible way that you can get out of bed in the morning, or accidentally don't set the alarm.
Lots of marks on papers aren't a good thing.
Cell phones set on vibrate are still extremely loud.
You're not going to agree with all of your professors, and some are extremely against your beliefs so you have to learn to be strong and stand up and not fall under the pressure of others.
SDSU really is a party school, there's no way around it. But there are always a few people who aren't into the party deal who can be fun to hang out with.
Two bags of instant coffee work much better than one, and last longer, and taste ok with creamer.
There is always an open door policy when anyone is in their room.
If you leave milk in the refrigerator too long it begins to smell.
If you microwave something really yummy others will flock to your room from the aroma to see if they can have some as well.
Dirty laundry and dirty dishes don't clean themselves.
If you don't purchase a scantron before a test the bookstore is a good sprint away if you're lucky enough to be given the chance to take the test still.
Falling asleep in class is entirely possible.
The showers aren't safe without sandals.
If there is one cold day the air conditioner is turned off for a week.
Sickness spreads rapidly in dorms with recycled air.
Leaving your keys in your room will cost you $25 to get back in.
There's no way to sleep before 12 because of the noise. (Thanks Katie for hanging out with me yesterday and letting me come over to your apartment for a quite place to study! I had a really good time!)
And I could go on and on, but I think that's enough of a long list for now! I'm not complaining at all though. I love it here. I think I was ready for college a long time ago, it's so much better than highschool. And I think I was ready to be on my own as well, I mean I complained before about being at home, but I really was ready to do this, especially since I'm not really "on my own" completely yet. And even with so much to do, I really don't get too stressed out too often.