Sunday, June 25, 2006

No TV?

When we first moved into our new apartment we had basic cable... But all of a sudden about a week or so ago it was turned off. Our other room mate is home for her grandmother's funeral, so can't really ask her about it now.
It's weird not having it at all. I think we very fuzzily get one random channel. It's funny how you take things for granted and then poof! they're gone.
It really doesn't bother me too much, more time to catch up on reading! Right now I'm in the middle of Oliver Twist. Before that I breezed through a random Dean Koontz book. In the beginning of the summer I went to Barnes and Noble with my sister and we each picked out a ton of books, many of which we plan on mailing back and forth. So TV becomes replaced with reading... not really a bad trade off.


At 6/26/2006 09:33:00 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

i hope you chose some REAL literature too... Dean Koontz--- NOT real lit...

Charles Dickens---Real Lit... but dated...

At 6/26/2006 09:34:00 AM, Blogger melissamae said...

no tv is good for you!! i highly recommend never getting it again...especially when it sucks your time up!

At 6/26/2006 12:25:00 PM, Blogger thebensonator said...

Koontz was a good "just finished school, read something that is easy and fast". And Oliver Twist is because my sister and I just watched the movie and really liked it, so we wanted to read the book as well :)


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