This weekend I went to Hume Lake Camp. It was so awesome!
At first I was getting a little discouraged after we got to a bit of a rough start. See we had 10 spots availabe that Satellite had purchased ahead of time. Up until Thursday night we had 9 of those spots filled. Then I found out that my room mate Cerise wasn't going to be able to go because of a death in the family and a need to be home this weekend. I was extremely bummed out because I had really wanted her to go and thought she would enjoy it and benefit from it. But what can you do? Being with her family at this time was more important. I asked my friend Dana if she wanted to come and found out she could go which was awesome. Then found out driving home on Friday that a girl from Corrie's church, Kaycee, who was supposed to go with us had gone to the hospital after coughing up blood and found out she had a tumor. It is not life threatening, but still serious and was hospitalized all weekend. This is the same girl who a few weeks ago wasn't able to go to teen camp because she was in a serious car accident. And then her cousin and friend who were going to go to camp also weren't going to be able to go anymore.
It was kind of starting to seem like something was trying to keep us from going to camp. So anyway we ended up only taking 6 to camp, Me, Tim Rake, his brother Chris, Emma's and my friend Dana, Emma, and her friend from school Elya.
So anyway then we were on our way. I drove the entire way to Hume... I've never driven more than 3.5 hours at once, or driven up a mountain, but I did both of those on Saturday! We decided to take the "shortcut" route too. Which meant a much windier route up to Hume. Good times. On the way home Dana and Elya helped drive, which was really nice since I still had to drive back to San Diego after dropping everyone off.
When we got to Hume we decided to "freshen up" a bit after driving for so long. A few girls walked by our cabin and said something to the effect of "I see we're looking for husbands this weekend", in a not very nice way. And definitely not under their breaths. Haha, we just laughed and it became our joke of the weekend. As 18, 19, and 20 year old college students we definitely aren't in the market for husbands for at least 3 or 4 years!
The speaking and message was great. A lot of it was about what our purpose in life is. Living every moment for God and doing what he calls you to do, but at the same time making sure that you give Him all the glory. Of course considering my biggest frustration right now is that I don't know what I'm supposed to be doing with my life it's a little difficult. But for now I am getting better at being content at where I am. It would still be nice to get some direction, but I know that it will come. I just need to be content with God's time and continue to seek the answer and be open to what he wants for my life.
We did tons of fun things. Went out on the lake and all got dunked at some point... good thing we weren't wearing bathing suits. Tim decided to take his radio out on the water... umm yeah. Of course he managed to lose it before we actually tipped his kayak so it was all his fault. We played the Kajabe Kan Kan, always a blast. Except for the fact that I was the second one out, I lose. Played a lot of random card games. Made a few friends doing so. But no, we didn't try to make them our husbands ;) We played some good old foose ball (spelling??), ping pong. Went roller skating.
Oh yes, and none of the girls took showers all weekend. HAHA We stunk. I felt like such a boy.
So that's about all we can handle in 3 days! I don't think I forgot anything. I'm pretty much exhausted right now and had a hard time in classes today. It was the first day for my Biology lab. 2 hours and 40 minutes for a 1 unit class, that stinks. My lab partner and I were talking about what we did this weekend and after mentioning Hume found out that she worked at the camp the last 2 summers! How random is that one? She's also in the Christian sorority on campus and invited me to come check it out. I am pretty sure that I'm not going to do it because I have plenty on my plate already, but decided that I would at least think about it. It would be nice to meet some Christian friends that go to SDSU. But still, not really wanting to be in a sorority, even a Christian one...
Ok, time to catch up on homework! And then hopefully early to bed since I'm so exhausted and have class at 8:00 and work until 9:00p.m. Ugh! Here's some pictures from camp... I didn't take that many, so I have to get some from other people.

The girls... Dana, me, Emma, and Elya

Tim is under that splash. He went on a bike jump off of a ramp at the end of the dock. I accidentally had a delay on my camera set... bummer!
