Wednesday, September 28, 2005

A Little More

As I said, concert was awesome last night. Weezer was awesome. Towards the end when we thought they were done playing all of a sudden Rivers Cuomo (lead singer) is standing on one of the staircases leading to the upper section playing guitar and singing. It was so awesome. Especially because we were soo close to him. Our seats were good, but the floor would have been awesome. Anyway that was really cool. At some point during their performance every member of the band sang lead vocals and they all played different instruments. I loved how versatile they were. For my favorite song "undone" they picked one person from the audience to go up and play guitar along with them! So cool for that guy and just fun to see how excited he was.
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I was looking forward to the Foo Fighters too. Not just because of the music, but Dave Grohl is a great entertainer. Definitely no disappointment there either. The music was just awesome alltogether. He played a fun stunt where he ran through the audience while he was still playing guitar and went halfway up the stairs in the middle section. Literally one section away from us. It was pretty cool. They had a lot of parts where they were just rocking away. No vocals or anything, just really impressive instrument action.
Oh yes, and both bands had some awesome lighting effects.
Definitely an awesome concert!!
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Foo Fighters and Weezer Concert!

I just got back from the Foo Fighters and Weezers concert. It was soo awesome! I haven't been to too many concerts that last for more than 4 hours and keep me entertained the whole time. I got some pretty awesome pictures as well, but that's gonna have to wait until tomorrow because I'm going to bed now. And there's a ringing in my ears.

Tuesday, September 27, 2005


I skipped my first two classes. Actually my second class doesn't start until 11:00AM. But I am planning on skipping it.
For good reason though. I finished up my presentation this morning. Now I am officially ready to actually practice it. I have a good hour where I can just go over it again and again so that when I present it it's not like "Umm, food umm enzymes umm". It always stinks to put alot of time into something but not practice the actual presentation part of it enough because then it really doesn't appear that alot of time and effort has been spent. Plus it's kind of embarassing. I feel much better when I'm actually prepared!
And the 2 classes I am missing are pretty easy today, and I know people in both of them, so it shouldn't take too long to catch up!
Time to practice...

Sunday, September 25, 2005

Long Night Ahead!!

The other day Corrie emailed me practically begging for me to come help her clean her room to help get her life in order on Sunday (today)!
Haha just kidding. Not really begging, but she did ask in a very persuasive manner.
So I went to visit today and that's what we did... straightened and organized the foot thick layer of crap... I mean stuff... that was all over her floor and room!! Then moved out all of the toys and parents furniture and moved in her own furniture and a desk. It took a while, but we got tons done, which was great!
We got to visit with Jeannie for a few minutes too when she dropped off our new Partylite stuff. Yah!
And now I am back home and about to start studying for a Psychology test that I have at 8:00AM!!! YIKES.
That's ok, I'm doped up on coffee and diet coke right now, and plan on drinking enough coffee to make me shake and pee every 5 minutes tomorrow morning. That should be enough to get me through a test. Then all day tomorrow after I get home from work I'm going to work on a 5 minute power point presentation that I've barely begun to research for my biology lab that's due Tuesday!! And then Tuesday night I'm going to a Weezer and Foo Fighters concert with Sophia!! I'm excited.
So I've planned this out... Wednesday sometime after 5:00 I should be able to sleep.
I really should quit procrastinating right now, off to studying!!

Saturday, September 24, 2005

S-D-S-U, S-D-S-U Aztecs Fight!

So I'm about to go to the SDSU football game against San Jose State! Should be fun. I guess there are going to be fireworks and stuff afterwards too!
It's fun cause it was kind of one of those random things where I was talking to this girl I work with Melanie yesterday and we were both like, yeah, that would be fun to go to the game. And then now all of a sudden there's like at least 8 or 9 people going. Good times!

Friday, September 23, 2005

Did you know?

That if you leave used coffee grounds in the coffee maker for a couple of weeks that they mold?? Boy, I sure didn't.

Bio Project

On Tuesday I have to give a presentation in my bio lab on something to do with enzymes. I have one idea to talk about the theory of the raw food diet because some people believe that the enzymes in raw food will help you to digest food faster. (Of course it's most likely not true from what I'm finding)
Anyway I'm searching for books in the library and this is the title of one of them:
"High-resolution nonlinear multi-photon laser spectroscopy as a diagnostic probe for isotopes and molecules".
Wow. Definitely have no idea what that means!!

Thursday, September 22, 2005


I absolutely love being able to cook! I'm definitely not the most talented cook ever. But I'm ok. I get alot of satisfaction out of preparing my own meals! Right now everything I make revolves around chicken. Haha.
Tonight Jenn and I made this chicken Tex Mex type of pizza and it was so good!
I think I'm obsessed. I've never really cooked before though and it's fun!

Studying with Friends

I think this idea just doesn't quite work. Haha. Yesterday I met up with Katie to study at Starbucks for a while. It was nice to see her, but the problem is when you haven't seen a friend in a while and you plan to study together, chances are not too much besides talking and catching up is going to happen! That's ok though, good times.
Then last night there were lots of premiers of TV shows going on... so who could study then? Cerise and Jen and I sat in front of the TV with homework in hand, and then muted at the commercials. Of course half the commercials we talked instead of studiend. Oh man, haha. That's ok though. All I really had to do for today was write a 2 page paper that I probably could have written in less than an hour. Instead I finished it at 11:00p.m. Granted I did work for 5.5 hours in there somewhere too... but still!

Tuesday, September 20, 2005


I was just looking ahead in my planner and realized that I have at least one test a week for the next month in a half. Bummer! On top of that I have an online quiz I have to take every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday. A paper at least every other week.
So I am just complaining. Sorry!
I'm almost managing to keep up. Just a little behind right now.
I'm looking forward to the next few weekends! The weekend of the 1st Corrie and hopefully Emma are coming down to San Diego and we're going to hang out with Katie and celebrate Corrie's "singleness". Should be fun! The weekend after that is my 20th birthday! Yah! 20 though??? That seems so stinkin old! My mom's coming to stay with me because both my dad and sister are going to be away on a field trip. It's going to be different... I am entertaining my mom at my place. That feels backwards. Another one of those "when you grow up" things I guess!
But because of these fun weekends coming up I really need to catch up if not get ahead on school because of all these tests and papers and stuff!

Sunday, September 18, 2005

Tons of Excitement... Or Not.

Sunday always seems to turn into a homework day. It kind of stinks. Pretty much all I've done today is homework.
Last night I went to see Just Like Heaven with the girls. It was really cute. Afterwards all four of us were all puffy from crying. It was great. And that was about all of my excitement for the weekend!
Oh wait, I lied. The roomies and I went to Costco yesterday too. That was actually alot of fun. Bought lots of good stuff. Found some great deals. Yes, I know, I'm a dork. But I'm ok with that.

Friday, September 16, 2005


Oh my goodness. The hugest spider ever was just in me and Cerise's room. I'm not kidding. I've never seen a bigger spider in my entire life. Plus it was right near the ceiling, so we couldn't get it! After Cerise called her boyfriend Jeremy and he didn't answer, and we called Jen who was with her boyfriend and she didn't answer, we decided to take matters into our own hands.

First... we took a picture of it to prove that it was a stinkin HUGE spider.
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Then it started to crawl along the edge of the ceiling and the wall. So after some screaming and freaking out from Cerise and I the spider stopped in the corner of the wall.
Next we went to get the spider killer... Windex. After I squirted it a couple of times it all of the sudden started to fall towards me... I think it had started to create a web or whatever the stringy stuff is.
So I gracefully sprinted out of the room while screaming. Leaving Cerise to be eaten alive by the spider.
I'm not sure what happened at this point, but after some scuffling from the room and further screams (I think some were at me for abandoning her) I came back to see Cerise with a cup, that used to have chocolate milk in it, over the spider. And said chocolate milk is all over the counter.
Woohoo! She caught it!!
Well... what to do now? How about duct tape the cup down to the counter??
Yes, I know, we're brilliant.
Of course the spider is still in this position. I'm not killing it. Maybe we'll figure it out tomorrow.

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I love my room mates

Seriously. I couldn't have asked for better roomies. So far no conflicts. We all seem to agree on pretty much everything about apartment stuff. Get along well as friends.
And the biggest thing? We're all just having a blast! Woohoo! Especially since we're comfortable being total dorks and acting like we are 5 years old around each other...

For example we just had a highlighter/sharpie/pillow/tissue/spit fight.

Definitely not a flattering picture but i love it anyway!
Burrito night... for those of you that don't know, on the left is Cerise, right is Jen.
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Thursday, September 15, 2005

Supervisor for a day

So one of our supervisor's is leaving. Actually correction, they changed the title at the bookstore from "supervisor" to "senior lead". Something to do with legal stuff. I don't really like it. But ANYWAY, so they are kind of "testing out" possible new senior lead's. But not really telling them that they are testing them out. Apparently on this coming up Wednesday I am being thrown into the supervisor position for a few hours. I don't think I like it. I don't even know half of the supervisor duties. Plus I'll actually be closing the store. Oh well. I would like to become a "senior lead" at some point, but there are definitely much more qualified people right now. So at this point I'd rather not go through the stress of being thrown into the spot and messing something major up. Oh well... maybe I will do ok. We'll see!


I left my phone at home today on accident. Maybe it's kind of pathetic that I really miss having it with me? It's not really that big of a deal to not carry it with me everywhere, but it feels weird without it! Plus I wanted to call my mom today to wish her a Happy Birthday... but I guess that will just have to wait until later tonight! And I love to constantly text message people... oh well!

Wednesday, September 14, 2005

School for 5 hours? Or home?

Well I got out of class this morning at 9:50 and don't work until 3:00. So I was going to sit in the library the whole rest of the time in between and do homework and study and stuff. I definitely have at least 5 hours of stuff to do. Well I did about an hour and a half of homework and realized that I had other things to do too... like grocery shopping and laundry, and that i really didn't want to sit at school for 5 hours more than I needed to! So I am home and now about to start more homework. Still feeling accomplished because I was able to get lots of other random things done :)

Tuesday, September 13, 2005

Stage 3

Well, not much to say except I am still sick. Now moved onto the coughing phase. Of course coughing for me is more like this deep throated barking sound that feels like it's shredding my chest. That's exciting.
I had classes for 7 hours today. That's 7 hours of actually sitting in a classroom listening to lectures or doing labs or taking quizzes. Not really sure why I did this to myself.
Still tired, but i've managed to get past that one. Tonight maybe I'll attempt to go to bed a little early, like before midnight. We'll see.

Monday, September 12, 2005


Now I really am sick. Yesterday it was just feeling like it was going to get there. Then I woke up from a nap completely stuffy. Today still stuffy and feeling all hot and headachy like I'm getting a fever. Ugh! I don't have time for this!

Sunday, September 11, 2005

Gettin Married

Yesterday I went to my cousin's wedding. It was so beautiful. Outside at a winery in Santa Rosa. I loved how there weren't that many people there, it was more of an intimate setting, which I want my wedding to be like.
I learned something new about my cousin Sarah too... she became a Christian her senior year of high school (she's 22 now). I knew that she was a Christian but didn't realize she hadn't even been to church until later on in high school. Anyway, little connection there between the 2 of us about when we decided to commit our lives to Christ, right about the same time. The pastor who married them was someone they both knew through their high school and college group and knew them well. I always like when the pastor actually knows the people he's marrying, it made the ceremony more interesting and neat to hear about the two of them.
Ok, so the reason this was really cool to me was that basically none of my dads side of the family is Christian. So to sit through a ceremony full of prayer and requests that God be glorified in the wedding and in the marriage. And to hear a little about Sarah's and Drew's own testimony's and desire to glorify God for the rest of their lives together could have impacted some people that day.
It was also really good just to get the chance to catch up with much of my family. I got the chance to see my cousin's baby Dylan for the first time, and hold him and play with him :). He's so stinking adorable! Got updated on the latest about all the cousins... both the good and unfortunately the bad.
Good times though.
Right now I'm sick. Probably something to do with getting a little less than 4 hours of sleep Friday night, and not enough all week, and stress, and flying and who knows what else. So that's not fun. Today is homework all day! Cerise's mom and step-dad are visiting right now and invited me to go to dinner with them later at Old Town. I really want to go but that means I really gotta get cracking!

Wedding pictures...

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Bride and Groom

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Me and mom

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Dad and Amma (grandma)

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Cousin Marissa and baby Dylan!

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I like this cause that was the natural lighting, I didn't do anything to this picture.

Friday, September 09, 2005


I left my house extra early so that even if there was traffic I would be ok. Well I get to my car and sit down and BOOM... ants EVERYWHERE!! All over my seat, passenger seat, center console, steering wheel.
Ok, so where in the heck did they come from??
So I've felt like I've had ants crawling all over me all stinkin day.
At least I left early.

Wednesday, September 07, 2005


I don't think I've mentioned yet that I'm flying to Northern CA this weekend. My cousin's getting married so my whole family's going, except I get to fly out of San Diego while the rest of them drive because then I can come back on Sunday since I have lots of homework and stuff. Good times. I just found out the other day that after she gets married my cousin and her new husband are moving to Hawaii for a couple of years! How cool is that? They have no attachments, both were able to transfer their jobs, they're young, so why not?? So flying early Saturday morning and coming back Sunday morning! Nice quick trip! Oh yes, and now I'm the next cousin in line to get married... but I doubt I really will be the next!

Seriously frustrated

Woke up late again. I'm just so frustrated that it happens so often! Anyway I could have been only a few minutes late to my 8:00 class but there was really bad traffic on the freeway. So I got to school just now and am waiting around a little for the 9:00 class. I think after work tonight I'm going to Target to buy a new alarm!! So I'm trying not to be all steamy and upset right now because what good is it going to do right? I mean I can probably find someone to copy the notes from... I just hate missing class when it was not intentional! And only the 3rd day! Breathe...

Tuesday, September 06, 2005

Finding Husbands and Skipping Showers

This weekend I went to Hume Lake Camp. It was so awesome!
At first I was getting a little discouraged after we got to a bit of a rough start. See we had 10 spots availabe that Satellite had purchased ahead of time. Up until Thursday night we had 9 of those spots filled. Then I found out that my room mate Cerise wasn't going to be able to go because of a death in the family and a need to be home this weekend. I was extremely bummed out because I had really wanted her to go and thought she would enjoy it and benefit from it. But what can you do? Being with her family at this time was more important. I asked my friend Dana if she wanted to come and found out she could go which was awesome. Then found out driving home on Friday that a girl from Corrie's church, Kaycee, who was supposed to go with us had gone to the hospital after coughing up blood and found out she had a tumor. It is not life threatening, but still serious and was hospitalized all weekend. This is the same girl who a few weeks ago wasn't able to go to teen camp because she was in a serious car accident. And then her cousin and friend who were going to go to camp also weren't going to be able to go anymore.
It was kind of starting to seem like something was trying to keep us from going to camp. So anyway we ended up only taking 6 to camp, Me, Tim Rake, his brother Chris, Emma's and my friend Dana, Emma, and her friend from school Elya.

So anyway then we were on our way. I drove the entire way to Hume... I've never driven more than 3.5 hours at once, or driven up a mountain, but I did both of those on Saturday! We decided to take the "shortcut" route too. Which meant a much windier route up to Hume. Good times. On the way home Dana and Elya helped drive, which was really nice since I still had to drive back to San Diego after dropping everyone off.

When we got to Hume we decided to "freshen up" a bit after driving for so long. A few girls walked by our cabin and said something to the effect of "I see we're looking for husbands this weekend", in a not very nice way. And definitely not under their breaths. Haha, we just laughed and it became our joke of the weekend. As 18, 19, and 20 year old college students we definitely aren't in the market for husbands for at least 3 or 4 years!

The speaking and message was great. A lot of it was about what our purpose in life is. Living every moment for God and doing what he calls you to do, but at the same time making sure that you give Him all the glory. Of course considering my biggest frustration right now is that I don't know what I'm supposed to be doing with my life it's a little difficult. But for now I am getting better at being content at where I am. It would still be nice to get some direction, but I know that it will come. I just need to be content with God's time and continue to seek the answer and be open to what he wants for my life.

We did tons of fun things. Went out on the lake and all got dunked at some point... good thing we weren't wearing bathing suits. Tim decided to take his radio out on the water... umm yeah. Of course he managed to lose it before we actually tipped his kayak so it was all his fault. We played the Kajabe Kan Kan, always a blast. Except for the fact that I was the second one out, I lose. Played a lot of random card games. Made a few friends doing so. But no, we didn't try to make them our husbands ;) We played some good old foose ball (spelling??), ping pong. Went roller skating.

Oh yes, and none of the girls took showers all weekend. HAHA We stunk. I felt like such a boy.

So that's about all we can handle in 3 days! I don't think I forgot anything. I'm pretty much exhausted right now and had a hard time in classes today. It was the first day for my Biology lab. 2 hours and 40 minutes for a 1 unit class, that stinks. My lab partner and I were talking about what we did this weekend and after mentioning Hume found out that she worked at the camp the last 2 summers! How random is that one? She's also in the Christian sorority on campus and invited me to come check it out. I am pretty sure that I'm not going to do it because I have plenty on my plate already, but decided that I would at least think about it. It would be nice to meet some Christian friends that go to SDSU. But still, not really wanting to be in a sorority, even a Christian one...

Ok, time to catch up on homework! And then hopefully early to bed since I'm so exhausted and have class at 8:00 and work until 9:00p.m. Ugh! Here's some pictures from camp... I didn't take that many, so I have to get some from other people.

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The girls... Dana, me, Emma, and Elya

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Tim is under that splash. He went on a bike jump off of a ramp at the end of the dock. I accidentally had a delay on my camera set... bummer!

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Friday, September 02, 2005

I don't understand...

Where are all these anonymous comments coming from! I don't think I like it...


I went to my very first upper division class yesterday... my Social Ethics (a Philosophy) class. It was really weird because I felt so young in there! I mean the other people in the class couldn't have been much more than 2 or 3 years older than me, and I do have older friends so it was weird that I noticed and kind of felt like I didn't belong in that class!
Haha ok, just thought I'd share :)


Today at work this kid Jeremy and I were having stamping fights. So right now my hand says "Used... September 1... Aztec Shops". And there's a few red happy faces too.
ANYWAY... tomorrow after I get off work I am going home so the next day I can drive to Hume Lake! I'm so excited!! I need to go to bed right when I get home though because I'm already exhausted!
Seriously, welcome to the college life again. Last semester I was a little spoiled, getting at least 7 hours of sleep a night. This semester I can definitely tell I'm going to be busy. I'm already over it!
Ok, time for bed, so much for packing for Hume tonight!