Sunday, September 25, 2005

Long Night Ahead!!

The other day Corrie emailed me practically begging for me to come help her clean her room to help get her life in order on Sunday (today)!
Haha just kidding. Not really begging, but she did ask in a very persuasive manner.
So I went to visit today and that's what we did... straightened and organized the foot thick layer of crap... I mean stuff... that was all over her floor and room!! Then moved out all of the toys and parents furniture and moved in her own furniture and a desk. It took a while, but we got tons done, which was great!
We got to visit with Jeannie for a few minutes too when she dropped off our new Partylite stuff. Yah!
And now I am back home and about to start studying for a Psychology test that I have at 8:00AM!!! YIKES.
That's ok, I'm doped up on coffee and diet coke right now, and plan on drinking enough coffee to make me shake and pee every 5 minutes tomorrow morning. That should be enough to get me through a test. Then all day tomorrow after I get home from work I'm going to work on a 5 minute power point presentation that I've barely begun to research for my biology lab that's due Tuesday!! And then Tuesday night I'm going to a Weezer and Foo Fighters concert with Sophia!! I'm excited.
So I've planned this out... Wednesday sometime after 5:00 I should be able to sleep.
I really should quit procrastinating right now, off to studying!!


At 9/26/2005 06:19:00 PM, Blogger melissamae said...

sometimes procrastination is like a fuel that keeps us going.

At 9/26/2005 07:18:00 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

weez and foo should be coo


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