Wednesday, September 07, 2005


I don't think I've mentioned yet that I'm flying to Northern CA this weekend. My cousin's getting married so my whole family's going, except I get to fly out of San Diego while the rest of them drive because then I can come back on Sunday since I have lots of homework and stuff. Good times. I just found out the other day that after she gets married my cousin and her new husband are moving to Hawaii for a couple of years! How cool is that? They have no attachments, both were able to transfer their jobs, they're young, so why not?? So flying early Saturday morning and coming back Sunday morning! Nice quick trip! Oh yes, and now I'm the next cousin in line to get married... but I doubt I really will be the next!


At 9/09/2005 01:17:00 PM, Blogger melissamae said...

the next in line, huh? sounds like a lot of pressure. now where is mr right??


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