Oh my goodness. The hugest spider ever was just in me and Cerise's room. I'm not kidding. I've never seen a bigger spider in my entire life. Plus it was right near the ceiling, so we couldn't get it! After Cerise called her boyfriend Jeremy and he didn't answer, and we called Jen who was with her boyfriend and she didn't answer, we decided to take matters into our own hands.
First... we took a picture of it to prove that it was a stinkin HUGE spider.

Then it started to crawl along the edge of the ceiling and the wall. So after some screaming and freaking out from Cerise and I the spider stopped in the corner of the wall.
Next we went to get the spider killer... Windex. After I squirted it a couple of times it all of the sudden started to fall towards me... I think it had started to create a web or whatever the stringy stuff is.
So I gracefully sprinted out of the room while screaming. Leaving Cerise to be eaten alive by the spider.
I'm not sure what happened at this point, but after some scuffling from the room and further screams (I think some were at me for abandoning her) I came back to see Cerise with a cup, that used to have chocolate milk in it, over the spider. And said chocolate milk is all over the counter.
Woohoo! She caught it!!
Well... what to do now? How about duct tape the cup down to the counter??
Yes, I know, we're brilliant.
Of course the spider is still in this position. I'm not killing it. Maybe we'll figure it out tomorrow.

oh my gosh oh my gosh oh my gosh!!! that is the scariest spider EVER. smart thinking though! jill was our spider killer and now that she is not here i don't know what we'll do.
man i dont like spiders i had a run in with one in the shower it was not pretty.
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