Gettin Married
Yesterday I went to my cousin's wedding. It was so beautiful. Outside at a winery in Santa Rosa. I loved how there weren't that many people there, it was more of an intimate setting, which I want my wedding to be like.
I learned something new about my cousin Sarah too... she became a Christian her senior year of high school (she's 22 now). I knew that she was a Christian but didn't realize she hadn't even been to church until later on in high school. Anyway, little connection there between the 2 of us about when we decided to commit our lives to Christ, right about the same time. The pastor who married them was someone they both knew through their high school and college group and knew them well. I always like when the pastor actually knows the people he's marrying, it made the ceremony more interesting and neat to hear about the two of them.
Ok, so the reason this was really cool to me was that basically none of my dads side of the family is Christian. So to sit through a ceremony full of prayer and requests that God be glorified in the wedding and in the marriage. And to hear a little about Sarah's and Drew's own testimony's and desire to glorify God for the rest of their lives together could have impacted some people that day.
It was also really good just to get the chance to catch up with much of my family. I got the chance to see my cousin's baby Dylan for the first time, and hold him and play with him :). He's so stinking adorable! Got updated on the latest about all the cousins... both the good and unfortunately the bad.
Good times though.
Right now I'm sick. Probably something to do with getting a little less than 4 hours of sleep Friday night, and not enough all week, and stress, and flying and who knows what else. So that's not fun. Today is homework all day! Cerise's mom and step-dad are visiting right now and invited me to go to dinner with them later at Old Town. I really want to go but that means I really gotta get cracking!
Wedding pictures...

Bride and Groom

Me and mom

Dad and Amma (grandma)

Cousin Marissa and baby Dylan!

I like this cause that was the natural lighting, I didn't do anything to this picture.
looks amazing. weddings are soo fun!
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