Woohoo! I feel accomplished!
Ok, so I actually finished all four of my art reports! And they're not even due until Tuesday! Yeah, I'm so good, I know. Hehe. As for the rest of everything I have to do... my Geology extra credit report was pushed back an extra week to May 10th. That's cool. And my philosophy midterm was pushed to Friday, so I can study for it next week and not worry about it over the weekend! All I have left to do are a few minor homework assignments and an 8-10 minute lesson to plan out. I think that's the next thing to focus on... it's due Monday so I should try and get it done before the weekend.
Well... I know you're all just sooo interested in all this stuff. Sorry the last few posts have been about boring school stuff. But I'm feeling great actually having a hold on some of this craziness!
On a completely different note I went to a Campus Crusade meeting tonight. I know good thing I'm going at the END of the year. But I think I want to make it a point to get involved in the group next year. The point is to reach out in ministry to people on this college campus, and I think it would be awesome to at least see if that is something that I want to get involved in. The coolest part about it I thought was that in the beginning of the meeting we got together in small groups and just prayed for our school and campus and the people at SDSU. Nice to think that there are people who are praying for the school and all 36,000 people in it!