Saturday, April 09, 2005

Insomnia? or Just Scatter Brained?

I don't know what is wrong with me lately, but for the past few weeks I haven't been able to sleep very well. First of all it takes me forever to fall asleep because I have so many random thoughts racing through my head. Also once I'm finally asleep it's only a light sleep where I'm in a constant dream like state. And it seems to never fail anymore that I wake up completely at least once in the middle of the night. I think I just have too much going on and too much to think about lately.
It's not just sleep either, I just can't focus on anything for too long. It's starting to wear me out! I don't know what my problem is! It's with everything, tests, studying, work, praying, sleeping. I started to write in a prayer journal again so that I can focus for an extended period of time on God like I want and need to be able to do.
Man, I'm over it! Hopefully once I get to a serious point of exhaustion my body will finally let me sleep. My eyes have been burning for the past couple of days. Ugh!


At 4/09/2005 07:23:00 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Dude Laura, it's Esther. I hope I'm not seeming too stalkerish leaving you comments everywhere and all that, but seriously, there is so much that I can relate to you on, its not even funny. I'm all excited to get to know you a little more even if it's just from some blogs here and there. You are an awesome person, and I admire your openness about the things going on with your life, and the sharing of your walk with God. If you ever want to read up on me, I am at livejournal. A lot of my more meaningful posts are friends only, but oh well. I have a website too, I'm planning on fixing it up soon.

Hope to talk to you soon, and I hope that you read comments on old entries. Later!


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