Monday, January 30, 2006

4 Questions:

1) When am I studying abroad? (semester or a year)
2) What is my living situation next year?
3) Am I really going to end up having to come home for the summer?
4) What am I doing spring break? (March 10-19)

Something I need to be doing? (thanks for the reminder Corrie) Pray! I'd really appreciate any prayer from friends as well. If you want to know any more info just send me an email. I think there's a way to do that on the profile, or just leave me a comment :) Thanks!
I'm a little stressed out right now because there is so much up in the air. I know that it will work out somehow though, I just don't know what that somehow is yet!

Sunday, January 29, 2006

Lots to say

But for right now too much to do. I have alot to write about for later though.
I got back a little while ago from visiting my grandmother and dads family in Santa Rosa. Now a little tired and lots of homework.

Here's a random picture I just got. It's from Danielle and my birthday celebration at Buca Di Beppo's. Me, Danielle, Anna.
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Thursday, January 26, 2006

Dear Fingerprint,

I apologize for burning you off this morning. It was not my intention, yet I know that you are still hurting due to your signs of redness and your ever-growing blister. And for that, I am truly sorry.

SDSU... SDSU Aztecs Fight!

I went to the SDSU men's basketball game tonight with a few friends I haven't seen in a while. Of course we didn't get there until halftime, but that's ok cause that was about as much basketball as I could handle! I love the atmosphere at the games though. So much school spirit and enthusiasm! Oh yes, and we won. Our team is actually doing pretty well. I think today puts them at 13-6. Woohoo! Go Aztecs!!

Tuesday, January 24, 2006

Just Stuff

Friday afternoon my family and I are driving to Santa Rosa to visit my grandma for her 80th birthday. Originally I wasn't going to go... but decided I probably could make it. I'll just have to do lots of studying in the car. Hopefully I don't get sick!
Corrie and I bought tickets last night to go see the Jars of Clay at the House of Blues in San Diego in a couple of weeks. I'm excited because 1) I love the Jars of Clay and have been listening to them for years. And 2) Corrie is coming to visit :)
I started Body For Life 2.5 weeks ago. That is going well except the exercise is difficult to fit in. So far since school started I'm pretty much here from 8 or 9 in the morning until 8 or 9 at night. Hopefully next week that will start to slow a tad. But I still really like the program.
I have been trying to figure out how I am going to study abroad. Difficulties include: I am already graduating in 5 years and going abroad might make it take more time. I would have to find a place to live for only one semester. One aspect of this being I couldn't find an apartment with some people and then just bail out on them partway through the year. A possibility of living in the dorms for a semester... but I don't really want to. I really want to go to London, not just England, and there is only one program that does this. The upside? I might have come up with a solution. This program has semester and summer options. The summer one is for 6 weeks from May 23rd (a few days after this semester ends) until July 4th. I wouldn't have to worry about living because I would just pay for a month even if I'm not there (plus our lease ends the end of June). It wouldn't set me back anymore timewise (in fact I have to take 6 units while I'm there). I would still be paying SDSU tuition fees on top of obvious other expenses. Of course this would also be an EXTRA cost, because I don't normally pay for school in the summer. Also Emma and I then won't go at the same time. But after talking to her a couple nights ago we both agreed that whatever we could make work for us we should take advantage of. I will talk to my parents probably this weekend on the long car trip to propose the idea. I do have some money saved up that I am going to offer to use if my parents will chip in a little for the rest of it.
So that is my "stuff" right now :)

Monday, January 23, 2006

Running Running Running

I hate feeling like I am always rushing around. This morning I had to run from my apartment door to the trolley because I heard the horn when it was coming into the station. I don't mean jog, run. Luckily I made it. Then for my back to back classes 10 minutes is not enough time to get from one to another. So this time walking really fast. My stats professor has already made it quite clear the 1st 2 times I came in late that "class starts exactly at 10 and being late is unacceptable". Then he let us out late and I had to work at 11. Again... rushing!!
And now I must rush back to work because my break is over. And it is still ridiculously busy in the bookstore right now because of everyone buying books and returning them. Phew. I'm going to be tired by the time I get off at 7:30!!

Saturday, January 21, 2006

Pizza or Sushi?

I kind of skipped dinner. Oops! But I am really craving either pizza or sushi right now... do they sell sushi at grocery stores? Cerise and I already figured out a few weeks ago you can't order pizza after 9pm unless you have a local phone number for them to call. Which we don't. So I guess that leaves Sushi? Hmm...

Thursday, January 19, 2006

First Impressions

I'm screwed. Ok, maybe that's a little harsh. But this semester is going to be extremely busy! Tons of tests, quizzes, papers, and reading! Well I asked for it I guess by switching my major. Plus all of the many tests and quizzes fall on the same day or 1 day after another! Yuck!
There are a few good things about this semester though...
1. My Stats teacher is HOT. I think he is from Germany and probably in his 20's, extremely cute... tall and dark with perfect hair and fashionable. Hehe.
2. There are actually boys in my classes, unlike the Liberal Studies major where it was only girls. Woohoo!
3. The classes are a little more challenging... which can be a good thing.
4. I am super excited about surfing! :)
5. I've only been late to one class so far.

Tuesday, January 17, 2006

Really?? Already?

I start school tomorrow. I'm not really looking forward to it. I'm already a little bit burnt out from working so much. Not sure if I'm ready to add school onto that as well. Oh well! No choice I guess!

Friday, January 13, 2006

I Love Room Mate Life

It is seriously way too much fun. And you would think sharing a room would get a little old. But not really. It's actually more entertaining. It's awesome to laugh yourself to sleep every night. Or having a friend to talk to all of the time.
Anyway it's great. I'm really enjoying room mate life!

Thursday, January 12, 2006


I just registered for my classes. I was able to get all of the classes that I needed without worrying about crashing. Although my schedule is very random. The accounting class I have to take only had 5 seats left out of 50 as of 9:00. Looking at it right now it's completely full. Good thing I woke up on time!

So here's what my schedule is going to look like even though you're probably not all that interested :)
MWF: Phil 305 9-9:50 (Classics of Western Philosophy)
Stats 119 10-10:50
T TH: Econ 101 8-9:15
Acct 230 11-12:15
IDS 180 2-3:15 (Principles of Information Systems, aka computers)
Wed. Surfing 12-1:40

It could be worse I guess.
Looking at the books I am going to need is scary though. If I buy them all new it will be $646.10. Yikes! If I find used books it will be $516.88. Most likely it will be somewhere in between that. Oh yes but wait. Here's where working at the bookstore comes in handy. With my discount it will actually come to somewhere in between $516.88 (that's an odd coincidence) and $413.50. Still high, but boy does that make a huge difference!

Tuesday, January 10, 2006

Pink and a Tad Crooked

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Monday, January 09, 2006

This is Gonna Suck

I was just looking at the classes that I had wanted to take next semester. I don't actually register until this Thursday, but many people have already started registering. I had to change the times of 4 of the 5 classes I am going to take. My schedule for next semester so far pretty much sucks. And only has the possibility to get worse :(
I think I'm going to end up having to crash some classes. Thursday seems so far away...

Sunday, January 08, 2006

Being A Tourist at Home

It's can be fun to do touristy type things where you live. Yesterday I took Emily to Mission Beach and we walked around the boardwalk type area. We were going to ride the rollercoaster but it wasn't going.
Today my family and I went to Old Town. It was a neat little place to walk around and have lunch and take a bunch of random pictures. Here's a few.

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At Mission Beach. I wish this would have turned out clearer but the zoom made it difficult.

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Newspaper anyone?

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A real live California Palm Tree. Haha

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I thought these were fun looking.

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Mom invading the picture. I thought it made it a little more interesting though.

Saturday, January 07, 2006

Nothing Too Exciting

I am back in San Diego. Basically I've been working kind of alot and then hanging out and going out with Emily when I'm not at work.
Orientations for everyone who is not going to be a cashier was yesterday. Meaning all I had to do was take a group of them on a tour of the store. Starting Monday are the orientations for cashiers. That will be a tad more work. Training them on the registers for the first time will be interesting. I haven't done that one before. It's not too hard... there's just so much stuff.
So that is my life right now. My parents are coming tomorrow to hang out for a little bit and then to take Emily back home with them.
Then Cerise and I are going to have to figure out how to entertain ourselves for a couple of weeks. We're going to dye the tips of her hair pink one day as long as she's still up for it :)

Wednesday, January 04, 2006

Over Already?

Tomorrow morning I'm heading back to San Diego. I don't actually start school until the 18th, but I have to work again starting tomorrow. We have a supervisor's meeting tomorrow afternoon and then the training of the newbies begins.
So if you didn't catch that subtleness there I got promoted to supervisor. Pretty much all the leads got moved up so that's exciting. I'll be making a whole like 8 something an hour. Haha, this job sucks at pay raises. But that's ok it's still nice, and good to be able to put "supervisor" on future job applications.
Anyway off early in the morning and I'm bringing Emily with me. We're going to hang out when I'm not working until my parents come get her on Sunday. Some sister sister time should be fun :)

I went to lunch at Ruby's with Melissa, Dave, and Emma today. It was very cool to see them and just hang out and talk for awhile.

Ok I expect visits! Especially since I'll be in San Diego for awhile bored without any school :)

College seems to agree with me.

I finally got back all of my grades and I managed to pull of a 3.73 this semester. Sweet.

Tuesday, January 03, 2006

My 2005 in Review

Dave Macomber wrote a blog entry about what's happened to him in the year 2005. I liked it so thought I would write my own "what has happened to me in 2005".

- Moved out of the dorms, then home for 2 months, and then into an apartment in San Diego.
- Along with that dealt with feeling in "limbo" about where home really was for me. But now feeling much more comfortable.
- Had (and am still having) much of my sheltered world challenged and flipped upside down.
- I changed my major from Liberal Studies to Pre-Business.
- Declared a philosophy minor.
- Decided for sure to study abroad. Either fall or spring semester next year.
- Got straight A's for a semester (not likely to ever happen again).
- Said goodbye to friends the Smiths who moved to South Carolina.
- Made my first trip out of the country... to Mexico.
- Turned 20, goodbye teenage years!
- Saw way too many movies
- Worked at a job where I was subject to slobbering dogs.
- Realized that I will never not work again in my life until I retire.
- Had my car break down one too many times.
- Lost 15 pounds.
- Went to my first Soma show and Cox Arena concert. And saw my first SDSU musical... Batboy.
- Died and cut my hair in multiple ways.
- Joined myspace and facebook. Yet another addiction and way to procrastinate.
- Learned that I am really bad at getting to places on time. Especially when they are in the morning.
- Discovered Chipotle, Adahl's, Yogurt Express, and Chevy's.
- Worked a little with the Norwalk Youth Group. Went to camp as an intern and more recently helped out on a girl's retreat among a few other small outings.

Bring on 2006!

Monday, January 02, 2006

I Love the Rain!

It's pretty much been raining off and on all day here. Tonight around midnight it started to pour really hard. I got Emily go go outside with me and we played tag in our pj's and got pretty drenched. It was fun and probably childish... but I refuse to grow up :)