Saturday, January 07, 2006

Nothing Too Exciting

I am back in San Diego. Basically I've been working kind of alot and then hanging out and going out with Emily when I'm not at work.
Orientations for everyone who is not going to be a cashier was yesterday. Meaning all I had to do was take a group of them on a tour of the store. Starting Monday are the orientations for cashiers. That will be a tad more work. Training them on the registers for the first time will be interesting. I haven't done that one before. It's not too hard... there's just so much stuff.
So that is my life right now. My parents are coming tomorrow to hang out for a little bit and then to take Emily back home with them.
Then Cerise and I are going to have to figure out how to entertain ourselves for a couple of weeks. We're going to dye the tips of her hair pink one day as long as she's still up for it :)


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