Wednesday, January 04, 2006

Over Already?

Tomorrow morning I'm heading back to San Diego. I don't actually start school until the 18th, but I have to work again starting tomorrow. We have a supervisor's meeting tomorrow afternoon and then the training of the newbies begins.
So if you didn't catch that subtleness there I got promoted to supervisor. Pretty much all the leads got moved up so that's exciting. I'll be making a whole like 8 something an hour. Haha, this job sucks at pay raises. But that's ok it's still nice, and good to be able to put "supervisor" on future job applications.
Anyway off early in the morning and I'm bringing Emily with me. We're going to hang out when I'm not working until my parents come get her on Sunday. Some sister sister time should be fun :)

I went to lunch at Ruby's with Melissa, Dave, and Emma today. It was very cool to see them and just hang out and talk for awhile.

Ok I expect visits! Especially since I'll be in San Diego for awhile bored without any school :)


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