Monday, January 23, 2006

Running Running Running

I hate feeling like I am always rushing around. This morning I had to run from my apartment door to the trolley because I heard the horn when it was coming into the station. I don't mean jog, run. Luckily I made it. Then for my back to back classes 10 minutes is not enough time to get from one to another. So this time walking really fast. My stats professor has already made it quite clear the 1st 2 times I came in late that "class starts exactly at 10 and being late is unacceptable". Then he let us out late and I had to work at 11. Again... rushing!!
And now I must rush back to work because my break is over. And it is still ridiculously busy in the bookstore right now because of everyone buying books and returning them. Phew. I'm going to be tired by the time I get off at 7:30!!


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