This is my life. The ups, downs, stressful times, boring times, joyful times. Everything. I hope you enjoy taking a peek into my random mind.
Saturday, September 29, 2007
Friday, September 28, 2007
One thing I have learned about myself is that if I don't get enough sleep for multiple days in a row, my body will one day simply refuse to wake up. It will force me to catch up on the sleep it needs.
So this morning I woke up at 10:00 on the dot. Right when my second class was supposed to start.
Tuesday, September 25, 2007
Writer's Block?
I have written tons and tons of research papers in the past. And yet I am having a really hard time with one that's due tomorrow.
Why is this bad? It's supposed to be about my intended career.
So far, it's basically crap. Good thing it's 9:00pm already.
Monday, September 24, 2007
Sunday, September 23, 2007
I don't want to admit it...
But I think I'm definitely overstretching myself right now. I don't want this to be the case. I wish that I could handle everything in life. But it's just not working out that way. More than once a week I'm finding myself COMPLETELY exhausted. I often sleep through almost entire classes (what was the point of even going?).
There's nothing that I want to give up, or even feel that I can give up. I've actually managed to start paying off my credit card debt with working 2 jobs. There's no way I'd give up working with Club 56 on Wednesdays, or going to church on Sundays. Giving up school isn't an option. I can choose to study less, but that's not really a good idea. I could give up my social life, but it's probably the only thing that keeps me sane (at the moment the one I have isn't very extensive either).
I think I should rename this blog something like "A need to complain". That wasn't my original intention, but it sure came out that way. I really think I could handle everything if I was at least able to get around 8 hours of sleep every night. The lack of sleep is ultimately what ends up making me feel exhausted and overwhelmed...
Wednesday, September 19, 2007
Free Fitness Study
I signed up to do a free fitness study at Curves. It's 3 weeks long and you have to go 3 times a week. I actually really enjoy the work out. It's only 30 minutes long (short enough to squeeze into my busy schedule), and the goal is to keep your heart rate up and constant throughout the work out. There's a bunch of different machines that you constantly rotate through which work most of the main muscles in your body, a "full body work out".
Basically it's just a good motivation to get myself to start working out again. I have a hard time sticking with something consistently. I probably won't end up doing it for more than the 21 days just because "free" is in my budget. But I don't think I can really afford a membership. At the very least though maybe this will get the ball rolling...?
Monday, September 17, 2007
"It's just another manic Monday... I wish it were Sunday..."
This semester I actually enjoy my Mondays. It's the one day of the week where ALL that I have are 2 classes in the morning. Yah for Mondays!
Wednesday, September 12, 2007
Day O Fun
I had class this morning. I actually almost slept through it AGAIN. Luckily, however, it was apparently the day to mow the lawns right outside of my bedroom window. So I woke up about 10 minutes before I should have left. But I DID wake up and make it to class, even if I was 15 minutes late.
Then Amy and I were meeting at the church before going to Sea World for part of the day. We ran into the children's pastor who was like "Hey, want me to treat you to lunch". That was easy to say yes to. It was kind of funny because I think she was just bored and didn't want to go by herself. Haha. But none the less we got some free Thai food.
Then we went to Sea World and watched a few shows. Basically we are like old ladies who enjoy watching the shows more than going on the rides.
Tonight we had our last week of child care at the church for Wednesday nights. For the summer it is structured lessons with all of the kids together. But then there is this awkward in between time where Amy and I basically just do child care for the parents who go to classes or are on the worship team. I love all of those kids, but I'm pretty excited to officially start Club 56 next week where it's JUST 5th and 6th graders. Yah for that!
Tuesday, September 11, 2007
Good Things
I'm about to collapse. Next time I have such a long day I should probably get more than 5 hours of sleep the night before.
But the quiz that I had written that I felt good about I just found out I got 100% on. SWEET! And I got 13 out of 15 on another quiz. Cool start to the semester.
ALSO I got a 50 cent raise at my hotel job. Apparently I've been there 3 months already. My manager gave me a really good review as well.
Ok, time for bed.
Monday, September 10, 2007
1. I think I might drop my philosophy minor.
2. I have WAY TOO much going on this week... 40 hours of work, school, going home friday for about 12 hours for my mom's birthday.
3. I need to get my mom a birthday present.
4. I have a test tomorrow that I actually feel decently prepared for.
5. I slept through my alarm today and missed a quiz. Dangit.
6. I'm excited to go to a FREE Padres baseball game Monday.
7. Getting free stuff in general is cool.
8. Someday (sooner rather than later) it would be nice to have a boyfriend.
9. Going to the grocery store late at night is much better.
10. Partly because you can find things for 99 cents in the bakery section.
11. My sister and I are trying to plan a trip together to go to New York next summer.
12. Pulling oneself out of debt is challenging.
13. I hate it when people smoke.
14. I drink way too much diet coke, in fact I'm drinking one right now.
15. I just realized my profile picture on this thing is 4 years old... I should work on that.
16. I never ever cook anymore, unless you call heating up something frozen or making easy mac in the microwave cooking.
17. Surprisingly on the flip side I don't eat out very much either.
18. I'm excited that Club 56 starts again in a week.
19. My room mate Cerise has a little turtle named Bonita and right now she is staring at me and swimming very rapidly.
20. I am dreading my day tomorrow: class 8-12:15. Work at 1 job 12:30-2:45. Work at 2nd job 3-11.
21. It scares me kind of alot that I am almost 22.
22. I should go study a little more now.
Sunday, September 09, 2007
Really God??
Today at church I worked with the Pre-K's for Sunday School. I'm kind of the "help out wherever you need me" with kids stuff girl on Sundays. I like not having a specific place to go Sundays because then it means I can sometimes still go to the college group for Sunday School, and I can usually make it to 1 of the 2 main services. Which doesn't mean I don't love helping, it's just nice to have my own learning time as well...
ANYWAY, tangent. So today I helped out with the Pre-K's who were absolutely adorable. I felt like I worked really well with them and loved being able to teach them things and have them really understand alot of it. I feel like I've grown alot in learning how to teach and working with kids over the past year and a half or so. Then all of the actual church service I couldn't help thinking "I still don't know what I want to do for a career... teaching maybe?" And then I was honestly praying "Whoa God, really? You've got to be kidding. I already switched my major FROM teaching a year and a half ago. It already put me behind a year. If I do the teaching thing now I will not only STILL graduate in 5 years, but then I'll have to get my credential. So tack on a 6th year."
I'm not completely against the idea. If that is where God wants me to be, then I will do it. But I won't lie, I'm trying to push that to the back of my mind right now. Maybe I really just had a good and fulfilling day teaching.
And then I'm reminded of a conversation I had with the Children's Pastor (Beverly) over lunch one day. It was a few days after I had led Club 56 by myself because Amy went home to visit family. Beverly sat in to kind of help with "crowd control" but that was about it. So at lunch she was asking me about what I thought I wanted to do. I told her I had no idea. She told me that I had done a really great job at teaching (and elaborated more... blah blah). The cool thing is that she is not the kind of person that would tell you something like this if it wasn't true. So after I told her I used to be a Liberal Studies major she was like"what!?".
Ok... lots of rambling. I'm just trying to get all these crazy thoughts down.
On another note I actually really am enjoying my upper division business classes at the same time (except finance). So maybe this is all unnecessary worrying/thinking. But the thought of "teaching" I don't believe was something that just popped into my head. I do believe that God was speaking to me, whether it was to say "this is what you should do", or just "think about it", or "I just put that feeling of satisfaction there so you would have a good day", I don't really know...
Wednesday, September 05, 2007
Number 9
It's cool when you can really take pride in a job. Trip Advisor is an online website where guests can read and write candid reviews that other guests, just like themselves, have written about hotels. There are 235 hotels on the site from San Diego. Out of all of those we are rated #9. That's pretty darn awesome considering it's a little Best Western that isn't very expensive and isn't even located in the tourist area. We're about 15-20 minutes from places like Sea World, Downtown, and the Zoo. Anyway, that's pretty sweet :)
Here's our review page
Tuesday, September 04, 2007
2nd Job
I recently picked up a 2nd job at a tutoring company called A+ Review as a receptionist. It was actually really cool the way it worked out. I was stressing a little because my hotel job was giving me less hours than I expected. I was praying that I would be able to find a second job, but it needed to be really flexible so that it could still fit with the first. And still not too many hours because there's no way I could be working 40 hours a week. I just needed something a little more.
A couple of days after I had been praying about it I ran into an old friend in one of my classes. We were just making small talk and work came up and I kinda mentioned how I needed a 2nd job. She asked me if I was available Tuesdays and Thursdays from 1-5 because A+ needed a receptionist those times. I was available. Within an hour she had called her boss and he had called me and basically hired me over the phone at $12.50 an hour!! It could not have been a more amazing answer to prayer. I didn't even really have to do anything. I'm not sure I had the energy to go searching for a job again. This just worked out absolutely perfectly. I had my 1st day today and so far all seems great :)