Wednesday, September 12, 2007

Day O Fun

I had class this morning. I actually almost slept through it AGAIN. Luckily, however, it was apparently the day to mow the lawns right outside of my bedroom window. So I woke up about 10 minutes before I should have left. But I DID wake up and make it to class, even if I was 15 minutes late.

Then Amy and I were meeting at the church before going to Sea World for part of the day. We ran into the children's pastor who was like "Hey, want me to treat you to lunch". That was easy to say yes to. It was kind of funny because I think she was just bored and didn't want to go by herself. Haha. But none the less we got some free Thai food.

Then we went to Sea World and watched a few shows. Basically we are like old ladies who enjoy watching the shows more than going on the rides.

Tonight we had our last week of child care at the church for Wednesday nights. For the summer it is structured lessons with all of the kids together. But then there is this awkward in between time where Amy and I basically just do child care for the parents who go to classes or are on the worship team. I love all of those kids, but I'm pretty excited to officially start Club 56 next week where it's JUST 5th and 6th graders. Yah for that!


At 9/13/2007 06:45:00 AM, Blogger melissamae said...

glad to hear you are having fun! i love the shows too isnt that what sea world is all about. the rides are just to get non-animal lovers in the park.


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