Monday, September 10, 2007


1. I think I might drop my philosophy minor.
2. I have WAY TOO much going on this week... 40 hours of work, school, going home friday for about 12 hours for my mom's birthday.
3. I need to get my mom a birthday present.
4. I have a test tomorrow that I actually feel decently prepared for.
5. I slept through my alarm today and missed a quiz. Dangit.
6. I'm excited to go to a FREE Padres baseball game Monday.
7. Getting free stuff in general is cool.
8. Someday (sooner rather than later) it would be nice to have a boyfriend.
9. Going to the grocery store late at night is much better.
10. Partly because you can find things for 99 cents in the bakery section.
11. My sister and I are trying to plan a trip together to go to New York next summer.
12. Pulling oneself out of debt is challenging.
13. I hate it when people smoke.
14. I drink way too much diet coke, in fact I'm drinking one right now.
15. I just realized my profile picture on this thing is 4 years old... I should work on that.
16. I never ever cook anymore, unless you call heating up something frozen or making easy mac in the microwave cooking.
17. Surprisingly on the flip side I don't eat out very much either.
18. I'm excited that Club 56 starts again in a week.
19. My room mate Cerise has a little turtle named Bonita and right now she is staring at me and swimming very rapidly.
20. I am dreading my day tomorrow: class 8-12:15. Work at 1 job 12:30-2:45. Work at 2nd job 3-11.
21. It scares me kind of alot that I am almost 22.
22. I should go study a little more now.


At 9/11/2007 01:07:00 PM, Blogger OutOfTheSilent said...

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At 9/11/2007 01:11:00 PM, Blogger OutOfTheSilent said...

1. Man I love Philosophy, but it is hard... bummer

2. Does it ever slow down

3. no gift certificate... make a card with your hand prints... it works for my kids... :)

4. Once in a life time is nice

5. Sleeping through the alarm seems to be the norm here too

6. I've been to a padres game, that was when we stopped by the Tom Cruise hill where they filmed part of Top Gun!

7. Free "good" stuff is cool

8. Boyfriend Shmoyfriend... watch some good movies: Pride and Prejudice, Miss Potter, Finding Neverland, Blade Runner... all classic love stories

9. crowds yes, hungry when I do that

10. 99 cent food... good for college diet, and budget

11. NY that would be cool... is your sister old enough?

12. Don't get into debt, that is the real challenge in our society

13. At least they can't smoke in restaurants

14. Me too, though it is diet pepsi, must drink what we own stock in...

15. You look at least 19 not 4 but ok...

16. Nope not cooking that is... neither do we... grandma cooks though.. that is nice

17. hmm... so you are eating a lot of junk

18. I'm excited for you... but that will be in a personal letter via snail mail... can I have your address?

19. Obviously the turtle is excited too... maybe rethink number 8 in lue of new information

20. wow it will be the 3-11 that will kill you I am sure... But hey when you get home this will be there waiting for you...

21. It scares me that you are so smart and still put a lot as one word "alot"... although I was thrilled yesterday when your wrote "Anyway" not "Anyways" another one of my personal pet peeves, but again who am I to write, I suck at spelling!... 22 is cool...

22. I should pay attention to the students in my class a little more right now... "Hey get off that desk..." I'll be right back.........


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