Sunday, September 09, 2007

Really God??

Today at church I worked with the Pre-K's for Sunday School. I'm kind of the "help out wherever you need me" with kids stuff girl on Sundays. I like not having a specific place to go Sundays because then it means I can sometimes still go to the college group for Sunday School, and I can usually make it to 1 of the 2 main services. Which doesn't mean I don't love helping, it's just nice to have my own learning time as well...

ANYWAY, tangent. So today I helped out with the Pre-K's who were absolutely adorable. I felt like I worked really well with them and loved being able to teach them things and have them really understand alot of it. I feel like I've grown alot in learning how to teach and working with kids over the past year and a half or so. Then all of the actual church service I couldn't help thinking "I still don't know what I want to do for a career... teaching maybe?" And then I was honestly praying "Whoa God, really? You've got to be kidding. I already switched my major FROM teaching a year and a half ago. It already put me behind a year. If I do the teaching thing now I will not only STILL graduate in 5 years, but then I'll have to get my credential. So tack on a 6th year."

I'm not completely against the idea. If that is where God wants me to be, then I will do it. But I won't lie, I'm trying to push that to the back of my mind right now. Maybe I really just had a good and fulfilling day teaching.

And then I'm reminded of a conversation I had with the Children's Pastor (Beverly) over lunch one day. It was a few days after I had led Club 56 by myself because Amy went home to visit family. Beverly sat in to kind of help with "crowd control" but that was about it. So at lunch she was asking me about what I thought I wanted to do. I told her I had no idea. She told me that I had done a really great job at teaching (and elaborated more... blah blah). The cool thing is that she is not the kind of person that would tell you something like this if it wasn't true. So after I told her I used to be a Liberal Studies major she was like"what!?".

Ok... lots of rambling. I'm just trying to get all these crazy thoughts down.

On another note I actually really am enjoying my upper division business classes at the same time (except finance). So maybe this is all unnecessary worrying/thinking. But the thought of "teaching" I don't believe was something that just popped into my head. I do believe that God was speaking to me, whether it was to say "this is what you should do", or just "think about it", or "I just put that feeling of satisfaction there so you would have a good day", I don't really know...


At 9/10/2007 07:12:00 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

First I am writing this at 10:31AM EST time, but am blocked to comment. Actually I am extremely supprised we can even ready blogs! But maybe it was a God day thing too. Anyway, this will get posted and then you get to read:

I am glad you "found" me on the web. Yes the best place to go is: You don't want to "keep" the stuff after that cause it can change. It is a computer dying issue thing. But that FRONT section will ALWAYS be the same. So put that down in the memory, not the "other" stuff. Also, (like you have the time) you can change your side bar to reflect that too (smiley).

Oh teaching, oh college, oh life, oh boys, oh BOY, oh friends, oh carraer, oh money, oh having a life, oh the biggies, oh God, oh what?, oh changing a life, oh philosophy, oh business? (what up with that?), oh the wonder of it all...

Yeah, I had an end game in sight, I just didn't know how to get there as a college student. About my third year God showed up and said Speech Communication, and teaching. As they both fit nicely into the end game of Preaching/Pastoring/Relationship/Leadership/ect. So I guess what is the end game? What is fulfilling to you? Money is here today gone tomorrow, you will never have enough. Teaching is hard work (ask my wife, she is drowning at the moment, but not because of teaching but all the OTHER stuff that has nothing to do with teaching).

It seems to me (on a side note) you want to be a world traveler. (ala the taste you got the past semester). There is many a places you can go as a teacher. Give up a couple of years of your life and teach in China! (I am not kidding, here is one for example: Hey, not that I am trying to get you out of the country. NC needs good teachers too (Charlotte area, and you can even have a place to stay while you are looking for a house, I know some people...)

Keep praying... I will be praying with you, and honestly ask how teaching will glorify your mission that God has given you? What is that end game? What has God equipped you best to do? And be able to used by him?


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