I can't say that I have any idea what I am going to be doing in the next year. Where I will be living... What I'll be studying.
I already know that as of July 1, I will be living with different room mates. Mainly because of study abroad, although there is a whole story to that one that we won't get into. I know that I won't be going home, I'll still be in San Diego. The question is living with who? There are a couple of possibilities. Some I really wish will happen more than others. But I just won't know for awhile it seems. And is that only going to be for the summer? Or continuing on into next year?
Which brings me to the other thing. When, where, and how am I studying abroad? I was pretty set to go to Nottingham, England because there is a big push there for business and it would fit classes I had to take perfectly. That would be in the Spring Semester next year. But now I just came across an independent program that would allow me to go to London! Which is where I really wanted to go to begin with. It would just be a little pricier (sp?). However I would be able to go Fall semester next year and the applications aren't due until late June or early July. It would be easier to transfer classes that match as well because I would still be taking lower division classes. Aaaand Emma and I could go to the same school and live in the same place. A huge plus.
Then what am I going to declare once I finish my lower division pre-business classes? I'm pretty sure I want to go with Management, but still kind of up in the air.
Oh yes, and I might take a summer class. I probably SHOULD take a summer class, but don't know how it is going to work yet.
Emma and I want to plan a summer road trip across country, visit tons of places and a few friends. But our school schedules are so different and random it makes planning difficult.
Who is going to pay for all of this? Do I need a second job? At least maybe over the summer?
I'm also trying to find a local church to call my church home. Right now I'm looking at
Mission Valley Church of the Nazarene . I went there last Sunday and really enjoyed the speaker and music and smaller size and friendliness of the church. I want to check out their College/Early Career group next Sunday (home this Sunday for Spring Break) to see what that is like and if it is a "fit" for me.
Phew. Just thinking aloud.
I can't really think too far ahead about everything that is up in the air or I might have an anxiety attack.
Oh yes, and I have a "date" tomorrow night with a guy that I work with. The first one since coming to college. How weird is that?
Anyway... I could really use some prayer. Just that God would help me to see which of these paths he wants me to take. What direction my life should be going in. I know that most of these things are kind of small and trivial, but it just seems to weigh me down a little when it is all added up.