Saturday, March 11, 2006


I came home this morning for Spring Break. As I was loading up my car I could hear this really loud noise that sounded like intense rain rolling in. So I ran back to my apartment and when I looked behind me I could see it hailing. It got really hard and lasted for awhile so I decided to wait it out before driving.
It rained off and on throughout most of my drive. But then right about when I was in Encinitas it started to hail, HARD. People basically stopped in the middle of the 5. Most pulled all the way over to both sides and just stopped. That was kind of strange. I couldn't even see more than maybe 10 yards in front of my car. And it was LOUD.
After about 10 minutes it let up a little bit and people started driving again. The ground looked like it had snow on it. Crazy.


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