Just got back from camp. Spending a week as a counselor with 13 5th and 6th grade girls is pretty darn exhausting! I have lots of fun and funny stories to share. But for now I can't really focus... so I'll share later. :)
This is my life. The ups, downs, stressful times, boring times, joyful times. Everything. I hope you enjoy taking a peek into my random mind.
Just got back from camp. Spending a week as a counselor with 13 5th and 6th grade girls is pretty darn exhausting! I have lots of fun and funny stories to share. But for now I can't really focus... so I'll share later. :)
It's a weird thing when you realize you are completely broke. I have managed to completely diminish my savings, go over limit on my credit card, and I have basically nothing left in my checking account.
For the past couple of months I have been very stressed about life.
Ok... I'm officially no longer jobless! Yah! I'm excited to finally be making money again. I start in about a week after they do background checks. :)
So I just got done with my interview at Best Western Inn. I FEEL like it went really well. There's one more person they're interviewing this afternoon and then I should find out by tonight! Fingers crossed...
I have an interview tomorrow with Best Western Inn. It's nice to finally have an interview after applying to so many places! We'll see how it goes.
I moved back down to San Diego yesterday. I am busy unpacking and buying little things that I forgot or need or whatever.