Friday, June 29, 2007


Just got back from camp. Spending a week as a counselor with 13 5th and 6th grade girls is pretty darn exhausting! I have lots of fun and funny stories to share. But for now I can't really focus... so I'll share later. :)

Friday, June 22, 2007


It's a weird thing when you realize you are completely broke. I have managed to completely diminish my savings, go over limit on my credit card, and I have basically nothing left in my checking account.

I went to the gas station tonight and put all the cash I had ($2.07) for gas for my car. The empty light didn't even go off.

I'm not writing this to get pity from anyone. It's just an odd place in my life right now. The good thing is that I get my first paycheck next Friday, and next week at camp I won't need to spend any money. I babysit tomorrow night, so that should hopefully get me enough money to put gas in my car, assuming I can make it to the house I'm babysitting for without running out of gas first!

Wednesday, June 20, 2007

God is Good

For the past couple of months I have been very stressed about life.
I needed a car so that I could get to a job.
I needed a job so I could buy a car and start to pay back my London debt.
I had been dealing with this bill that Long Beach State sent me for $732 that I didn't owe them, but was almost taken to small claims court over.
I had a friend in a serious accident and put in the hospital.
I figured out that it was going to take me longer to finish college than I thought.

I finally managed to find a car that I can afford to make payments on.
Then I was able to find a job so I could start paying for that car.
After tons of calls and emails I FINALLY got the bill cancelled from Long Beach State.
My friend is actually doing ok, although still in the hospital.
And I've made peace with the fact that I am going to be in school a little longer than planned.

I feel so much better and less stressed! God is good.

Oh! And I get to go to kids camp next week as a counselor! We have 31 kids going from our church. Wow! I know that it's going to be crazy and exhausting but I'm SO EXCITED!!

Tuesday, June 12, 2007

I'm Employed!!

Ok... I'm officially no longer jobless! Yah! I'm excited to finally be making money again. I start in about a week after they do background checks. :)


So I just got done with my interview at Best Western Inn. I FEEL like it went really well. There's one more person they're interviewing this afternoon and then I should find out by tonight! Fingers crossed...

Friday, June 08, 2007

Just Life

I have an interview tomorrow with Best Western Inn. It's nice to finally have an interview after applying to so many places! We'll see how it goes.

My friend Aaron is actually doing better, which is great. The last update I received was that he is still in critical condition, but he's improved. Thank you for all your prayers.

Monday, June 04, 2007

Getting Settled In

I moved back down to San Diego yesterday. I am busy unpacking and buying little things that I forgot or need or whatever.

I officially have a car now! It's a 1998 Saturn Wagon.
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Total mom car, but it is in very good condition and has really low miles on it. All I was looking for was a car to get me through my last couple years of college. Now I just need a job so that I can actually make the payments on it and pay for insurance and all that fun stuff! I've been looking pretty hard but just not much luck yet. If all I wanted was another minimum wage job I think I would have no problem. But that won't work and then there would have been no point in leaving the bookstore.

One more thing. I have a friend that I used to work with who was in a terrible car accident a little over a week ago. He has been in critical condition with major head trauma and the doctors don't think he is going to make it. Please please pray for him and his family. His name is Aaron.