Wednesday, June 20, 2007

God is Good

For the past couple of months I have been very stressed about life.
I needed a car so that I could get to a job.
I needed a job so I could buy a car and start to pay back my London debt.
I had been dealing with this bill that Long Beach State sent me for $732 that I didn't owe them, but was almost taken to small claims court over.
I had a friend in a serious accident and put in the hospital.
I figured out that it was going to take me longer to finish college than I thought.

I finally managed to find a car that I can afford to make payments on.
Then I was able to find a job so I could start paying for that car.
After tons of calls and emails I FINALLY got the bill cancelled from Long Beach State.
My friend is actually doing ok, although still in the hospital.
And I've made peace with the fact that I am going to be in school a little longer than planned.

I feel so much better and less stressed! God is good.

Oh! And I get to go to kids camp next week as a counselor! We have 31 kids going from our church. Wow! I know that it's going to be crazy and exhausting but I'm SO EXCITED!!


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