Monday, December 10, 2007

If I were ever a teacher...

I would NOT give cummulative finals. I think they are one of the dumbest ideas ever. This isn't even me complaining because I have 2 cummulative finals tomorrow.
Just listen to my logic for a second.
- If the material has already been tested on a midterm, why do we have to be tested on it again?
- How can we go through and relearn an ENTIRE semesters (15 weeks) worth of work in a week or so? If we actually have a week to study.
- What if we have 5 finals (like myself). Although this one class may be important, it isn't the most important and we STILL have to study for the other tests!
- How can you learn all that material well? If there is that much to study, what is learned will only be learned in a surface learning way. If there was a smaller amount on the test the material could be learned better.

For me personally having a cummulative final is almost more detrimental. I'm thinking, "How in the heck can I study an entire semesters worth of material in such a short time??" And then in turn I'm just like, well screw it, and I'm not even motivated anymore.

So I have 2 cummulative finals tomorrow. I've been studying all day. And I'm not even sure what I studied, and there's probably so much more I should study.

Alright, done venting, back to studying. This is dumb.


At 12/11/2007 09:49:00 AM, Blogger melissamae said...

i agree...i think you have a very good point. why give midterms if you are gonna have a cumulative final.


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