Keeping in Touch
So much for updates. Sorry about that one, life has been a little busy lately. I leave in 12 days for Europe. The first 5 days are spent traveling throughout France. Then from there I go straight to London and start school the next day! My Christmas consisted of mainly warm clothes, gift cards, and luggage.
As far as keeping in touch the plan is to keep blogging as often as I can. I know I have internet at the actual school, but that is only until 5:30pm on weekdays, so somewhat limited. As far as other places to access it I'll figure out more once I get there. I would also really like to do some kind of picture a day thing. Which is probably unlikely... but maybe I can post a few pictures once a week or something. I need to look into getting a .mac account which could make that kind of stuff easier.
I won't have my cell phone while I'm over there, but I do plan to get a cheap cell phone that you just pay for and then buy a calling card to use it. My MAIN form of keeping in touch though will be email, or myspace if you have an account :) If I don't have your email address you should send it to me so I can add it to my list!
I'm not expecting any cards or letters or anything... but I DO have a mailing address if you'd like to send me something while I'm in London. It's:
Laura Benson
AIFS Student Centre
Dilke House
Malet Street
And I think that's about all for that type of stuff! I figured I'd post this now even though I still have a few days before I leave since I don't know when I'll get another chance. The exact dates I'll be gone is January 7 - April 29.
I'll miss you guys! Keep reading to see what's going on with me while I'm in London!