Saturday, December 16, 2006

I'm Done!

Yah! My semester is officially over. I've spent the last 2 days just celebrating being done with finals and hanging out with friends. I am so excited to go to London. But I'm also pretty sad to be leaving friends. Wednesday was my last day with Club 56. Yesterday was my last day working at the bookstore after 2.5 years. All of my managers were so cute giving me hugs and saying goodbye. One was even slightly teary eyed, aww. I totally missed saying goodbye to Corrie sinc she left right after finals. Amy left this morning for home. I drove Jackie to the airport this afternoon. Jenn already left. Umm I don't remember if I mentioned it yet but Jenn (old room mate) decided to actually move back home. As in she's not coming back to San Diego. So I PROBABLY won't even ever see her again. At least Cerise is here for a few days still. My mom is coming on Monday to help me pack and we are driving back home Tuesday morningish.

Wednesday night for our last Club 56 before Christmas, Amy and I planned a fun night instead of doing a lesson. Mainly because we didn't have the time since we were both stressed out with finals. Since we were going through the movie Elf we got all of the food for when he makes his own breakfast: Spaghetti with pop tarts and cereal and sugar and syrup, and let the kids make whatever they wanted with it. It was pretty funny. And then we had them go on teams and compete to make the best human Christmas present and human Christmas tree. And then sent them home ridiculously hyped up on sugar. Haha I'm sure the parents LOVED us after that. I'm working on making a movie/slideshow thing from that night. But it's definitely the first time I've worked with imovie so it's taking a little while :)


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