Saturday, October 25, 2008


I've become totally addicted to Netflix. I love watching movies anyway. When I watch TV I usually search for a movie instead of a show. And it's SO much cheaper than renting from Blockbuster. Yay movies!

Tuesday, October 21, 2008


My friend Nicole had Kaleb about a month ago. He's the cutest thing ever. This picture cracks me up.


Here's a better picture of Kaleb and his 4 year old brother Kaden. So cute.

Monday, October 20, 2008

My Current Life... or At Least Part of It

I'm attempting to write more on here again, but as I get to this page I can't really think what to write about.

I seem to have insomnia lately, any time I get a chance to sleep in a little more than normal or take a nap I seem to not be able to sleep that night. I am getting old.

I'm watching some show on Animal Planet where there is an Octopus that has latched itself onto a divers face and he can't get away. Strange.

I am sort of just scraping by in school. I need to get my act together but I'm just so not motivated. Such is my life in school right now.

After working a lot more than usual and getting a consistent babysitting gig and other random side jobs I'm finally at the point where I'm at least able to pay bills on time. And I am slowly starting to pay down credit cards some. God is good and really does provide. I had gotten to the point where I was SO stressed all the time about constant overdraws and not being able to do anything. So the relief is nice.

Club 56 continues to be strong. Having 18-22 pre-teens on a Wednesday or Sunday has become normal, more than this group has ever really had. It's a cool thing to see. I'm getting better (at least I think I am) at teaching and being in charge of this group. And they are such amazing pre-teens.

I'm going to attempt to sleep now since it's 1am. Hopefully it works!

Oh the diver got away from the Octopus, I know you were worried.

Monday, October 13, 2008

Faith in Action

"Don't Go to Church. Be the Church."

On Sunday my church participated in a program called Faith in Action. Instead of having church that day we went out to serve the community around us in different ways. About 250 people participated, kids and adults alike. There was one group that went to help paint and clean up the outside of a house of one of our older members who isn't able to make it to church anymore. Another group went to help clean up trash and weeds from a local elementary school. There was a group who stayed at the church and wrote letters to soldiers and made care packages that could be handed out to the homeless. One group went to clean up a local park. A group that provided child care so families with smaller children could participate. Three different groups went to laundromats and paid for people's laundry and helped to wash and fold clothes if they were ok with it. And possibly a few other projects.

I signed up in the "put me where you need me" category and was sent to one of the laundromats. I was a little nervous about it because I didn't know what people would think about it. But it went pretty well. Most people were pretty appreciative once they realized we really were just there to help, and not trying to "sell them anything". We offered water and cookies and put a lot of quarters (I think it came to $200 worth) in machines. We were able to just talk to some people. A few people asked what church we were with and where we were located. One guy had come with just one load of laundry because he couldn't afford to do all his laundry that week. When he found out we would be there he went home to get the rest of it so we could wash it for him. He was extremely appreciative. Sometimes just that little bit can make a big difference to someone.

I heard later that at the elementary school the District Superintendent happened to drive by the school and got out to see what the people were doing. She thought it was so cool that we would help out just because and thanked the people there.

Anyway it was pretty awesome. Check out the website for more info if you'd like, maybe even bring the idea up in your church!

Faith in Action