Monday, February 14, 2005

Happy Single Awareness Day

As far as Valentine's goes, today was a pretty uneventful day. I guess not having a Valentine makes the day easier. My favorite part of the day was when I saw a couple of guys who decided to dress up as cupid and hand out Valentine's cards to all of the girls that walked by them. Yes, that means diapers and a bow and arrow and wings... and nothing else.
I ALMOST had a somewhat fun spontaneous night, and a Valentine, but sadly it didn't happen. I was talking to my friend Matt online (we had a small something going on for a week in the summer, but nothing really happened or went anywhere), and he asked me what I was doing tonight. Well nothing. So he asked me if I wanted to go to dinner with him. I was like, ummm... aren't you still in Long Beach?? Yes, but he asked if I wanted to meet him halfway. I thought that could be fun, although I'm not sure if it was like, oh I have nothing better to do, want to go to dinner with me? Or if he really wanted to. Anyway, he was figuring it out when his mom told him he couldn't go. Gotta love the parents, he's still living at home. So no Valentine for Laura.
No worries though I got a little bit of homework done, and now Sophia, Cerise and I are going to watch the Notebook! I know I know, I already saw it 2 days ago! But it's a good girly Valentine's movie, so there!


At 2/15/2005 09:14:00 AM, Blogger melissamae said...

valentines day is overrated


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