Saturday, February 05, 2005

Prepare yourselves. This is a long one!

This morning my mom and sister drove to San Diego to take me out to lunch and a movie. (Again my dad was working, tomorrow's his first day off in a month and a half! Woohoo!) It was so much easier that they came to visit me because I didn't have to worry about leaving for the whole weekend and not getting anything done. We went to see The Wedding Date, which was allright, I hadn't especially wanted to see it before, and it basically met my expectations. Then we went to Mimi's Cafe. Mmmm. So good. I was trying to talk to my mom about a place to live next year. I just casually mentioned that people are looking into apartments right now and that for the dorms the applications are sometime in March. She said something like, well you know how I feel about that, and then changed the subject. See I don't think I've mentioned before, but there's this continuing struggle going on right now between me being in the dorms or living in an apartment next year. I want to be in an apartment, but my mother is so against it for some reason. I think part of the whole not wanting me to really grow up. So after a little more small talk I told her that I wanted to at least have this conversation. And then we did. I was explaining things to her like, it will help me to learn to manage my money. I want to be able to make my own food. It will help me to become more responsible. It's cheaper. I will have a good room mate (Cerise). I will finally have a quiet place to study so I can focus better in school. I WILL BE 20 YEARS OLD NEXT YEAR. Many of the apartments are right off campus. There are even apartments that are run by the school. I will be taking this step eventually, and I am ready for it now. And finally, really I just very much want to do this, and thinking about it is so exciting to me!
Well, I think she will at least consider it more. The thing is, it's just like most other things with my mother. If she knows that I am persistent enough, then she will eventually say yes, even if she moans and groans about it. But by avoiding the subject, she never has to say no because it will be too late to find a place.
I know that I am an adult now, and at some point will have to break away from my parents and not appeal to them for these decisions. But in doing so would require me to find another higher paying job. Or a job with more hours. And for now, I don't want to add more stress to my life. My parents are still willing to pay for school, and my housing for now, so I am not going to try to break away from that because I don't think I could do it on my own.

Ok. Take a quick breather, maybe a bathroom break. There's still more to this days story, if you want to keep reading about it!

Anyway, the rest of the day really was pretty good. Minus the other conversation about me changing my major. Basically my mom doesn't understand. But what was funny is I felt like we were having two different conversations at the same time. After I mentioned to her the fact that I love kids, and working with them, but maybe that just means that I want to be a mom, not a teacher. She said something like, well you know if you quit school it's really hard to get a job and make money. Umm... wait a minute. Who said anything about quitting school?? I'm just talking about changing what I want to do in life. Or figuring it out better.
The day really wasn't bad, it was just these couple of conversations that frustrated me, because I am still a kid in my mom's eyes.
Anyway, then they dropped me back off at the dorms and I went to work. I was working at the mens basketball game tonight. Selling t-shirts and foam fingers and pom poms and the like. It was actually really fun because it was so laid back. It just felt like I was hanging out with friends for 6 hours. Plus we were able to watch parts of the game, which was cool. Although we lost to Utah, but that's ok.
Whew! So that was my way long day! And now I will be doing homework all day tomorrow, because I got nothing done today or yesterday!
Oh yeah. Cerise and Tricia and I baked a cake yesterday. Chocolate and chocolate and chocolate. Way fun. I love doing random things like this on a Friday. Last Friday was making cards, and yesterday a cake! So fun.
Ok, love you all! Night.


At 2/08/2005 11:55:00 AM, Blogger OutOfTheSilent said...

It does sound fun... the conversations that is!! No really, it sounds like you tried to approach it very "adult" like, which is good. I would have a tough time with my JUST OUT OF HIGHSCHOOL son wanting to live on their own, no matter how old they were or smart they are. It is a tough decision. I think there is a FALSE security of living in the dorms. I think if you continue to approach it with a "I really need you guys (parents) to think about this." mentality then you are on the right path.
I can also see from a prents point of view, saying you want to be a mom SOUNDS LIKE you are not going to school. Of course it DOES NOT mean that, nor DID YOU MEAN that, but to a mom who did not finish school, and DID be a mom, she wants MORE for you.
I would have to say you ARE having to conversations, and she was probably STILL stuck in the last conversation and wasn't ALL THERE for that conversation. If you don't know what you are going to change you major to, is also a "scary" ting for a parent.
I on the other hand did not know what my major was, I just knew what I wanted to do in life. So the major would have to show up on itself. Since I did not know what major I wanted I went to CITY COLLEGE, got my feet wet, found out what I wanted to do, and then continued to "real"' college and pursued speach communication. Anyway, it is OK if you don't know what you want to do, but don't waste TOO MUCH TIME figuring it out...

At 2/09/2005 10:39:00 PM, Blogger brianfurg said...

I read the title and then scrolled down...too long to read since it will not be on a test any time soon. I like the short ones.


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