Thursday, December 02, 2004

Speeches and Stuff

Today for my Communications class I had to give a 17-20 minute group persuasive speech about why everyone should receive the flu vaccine. Sounds interesting huh? Or not. But that's ok.
Last night I was trying to figure out how to practice the speech because the best way for me to practice is just to read my parts out loud over and over again until it's semi memorized. Well when you live with another person in a single room this can be semi difficult. I ended up going out to my car and practicing for about an hour. Luckily not too many people walked by me to think I was crazy. Then I did laundry and since no one was in the laundry room I practiced out loud here! But after laundry was done I decided to just sit on the couch out in the hall and whisper to myself. Well that all lasted until about 10:00. Then I was joined by my dorm friend Jackie, and then Jen and Cassie, and then Haley and Chelsea, and then Clark. Needless to say that was the end of studying. Instead we ate hot tomales and chucked peanuts down the hall to see who could throw them the farthest. And then I dropped my jar of peanuts and they spilled everywhere. That's when the party died down a bit and Sophia joined us and some of us continued to hang out until a little after midnight and then off to bed!
It's times like these that I love the dorm life, it's so much fun sometimes!
So I got up early this morning to practice my speech some more. And I think it paid off!
Ah, the college life.


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