Brown Bags and Greasy Wieners
Today was one of those days where I felt really accomplished. Yes, I still have a lot of homework to do, but I got a lot of other stuff done. I worked out, made my parents a present and mailed it, went to a Brown Bag discussion for the honors program, went to a Speech to critique for my Comm class, and that's about it.
So I learned what a Brown Bag was today. No not the thing you put your lunch into. Many of you probably know, but I didn't. It's a discussion type of thing where any topic is put out there and you sit around with your food that you brought, in a brown bag, and discuss it. Anyway I thought it was kind of neat actually, something that I think I want to participate in more. We talked about, what else? the war in Iraq. But more specifically the imperialist America and how we have so many military bases all over the world. Then Tricia and I went to the "speech" for Comm. However it actually turned out to be another brown bag type of thing discussing death at a coffee house near downtown called The Living Room. Again it was very interesting and kind of cool to be able to discuss in an age range from college kids to retirees.
Tricia and I loved this coffee shop too, we're definitely going there much more to study.
Outside of the coffee shop was this fun hotdog stand, gotta love it.

yea for good discussions & Living Room! it's a chain, there's one right by Pt Loma, one in Hillcrest, and Old Town. It's a little $$, but has a good homie feel to it. Keep looking for opportunites to catch having discussions w/ people, especially non-Christians. They're divine appointments!!
If you think that America is an Imperialist nation, you are being misled. I would love to explain to you the next time you come home. By the way this is Jeff. I still haven't signed up for a blog, so I have to post anonymously.
Good Bye.
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