Friday, June 11, 2004

Graduation and Everything

Right now it feels really really late, and I am beginning to get really really tired, but I wanted to leave an update on the whole graduation experience before crashing in bed and sleeping all day.
The ceremony itself went well, nothing exciting, it just felt like another graduation (not like I'd know, but that's what it felt like). Although one very cool thing... my friend Emma Yearick was chosen as one of the Hall of Famers for the 2004 year because of academics, sports, clubs, volunteer, and lots of other stuff. Only 3 people out of almost 900 recieved this honor and their picture will be on the wall in the cafeteria FOREVER. Pretty awesome! WAY TO GO EMMA!! Then I went home afterwards and the excitement slowly began to build. My family had desert with my aunt and great aunt and uncle before Emma and I headed to grad night around 10:45 PM.
Getting to Grad Night:
So Emma's boyfriend Michael drops us off in the front of the school so we could go to grad night (which was at the school). We walk in and realize there are fences everywhere and no way to get in... so we try walking around to the right only to walk halfway around the school to encounter MORE FENCES. Hmm so we decide to try going around to the left and again MORE FENCES. This has taken about 10 minutes so far and we are starting to get slightly irritated. So we're like allright we'll just go out the front gate and walk halfway around the school where the entrance should be. When we come to the front the gate has been locked! Oh no! We're locked in the school!! We were completely trapped. Luckily previous times during the school year Emma and I discovered a place at the bottom of the gate just high enough to crawl under (for days like when we didn't feel like going to Econ or Calculus). However this is on the other side of the school. Needless to say it took us a good 30 minutes before we finally made it to the entrance.
Grad Night:
The ticket for grad night is like $80... but EVERYTHING is free, tons of food, lots of games, casino type stuff, music video making. Emma and I had a blast going through the moon bounce type obstacle course and racing/tumbling down the gigantic slide, and doing the bungy cord thing where you try to run as far as possible and beat the other person. We played the games a bazillion times and won tickets to put in raffles for drawings at the end. Then we met up with many other friends and played all types of casino games which I lost extremely badly at and discovered that I should probably never gamble. Still fun though. Lets see... we got a caricature drawing of the 2 of us shopping, fun stuff. Then there was a hypnotist around 3:30am from New Zealand. A couple of my friends were hypnotized including Emma. It was HILARIOUS. Emma was rocking out and dancing to Brittany Spears, I got pictures which I will have to share, but they really don't do justice to how funny it all was. At the very end around 4:30 am they did the raffle drawings. I had put all of my like 500 tickets into the health and beauty can, hoping to win one of like six 3 and 2 month passes to bally total fitness and some other gym. Bummer that I didn't win those but I DID win a free bleach teeth whitening session at the dentists. It's the newest technology called Zoom and is worth about $500. So that was pretty awesome. Oh yeah and Emma won 2 wild rivers tickets and my friend ashley won $150... and that's all I can remember :)
Anyway now it is about 630 in the morning and my awakeness is slipping... Very long post but I had so much to write about! I'm leaving for camping in less than a day! Yah!!! So goodnight


At 6/11/2004 10:13:00 PM, Blogger OutOfTheSilent said...

well even though you won't read this till a week from now... I wanted to say thanks for the memories of my high school grad night... It seems we graduated at the same time...

At 8/20/2004 06:00:00 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Thanks for the nice comments. The team who put on the event work really hard to get this event off the ground and done on-time!!. Best luck to you and your education at SDU. If you don't mind, I would like to share your comments to the team. Let me know...


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