Monday, June 07, 2004


Oops, I forgot to add one thing to my last post, but it's kind of a whole new category so I thought I'd just make another post... I keep mentioning my own graduation, but I believe I have failed to mention the fact that my little sister is graduating as well. She's graduating from 8th grade tomorrow. Wow! Growing up so fast, I remember what I was like in 8th grade and it's so crazy for me to think of Emily as this old, what she must already know but does not necessarily share, and how much more mature she is then I necessarily think of her since she's just my little sister (even though she's a good half foot taller than me now, but that doesn't change the fact). She's about to enter this huge world of high school, it's so crazy that she is going from her 200 person elementary/ middle school to this huge almost 4,000 person high school. I pray that she can handle it. Oh yeah and I get some bragging rights since I am her sister and all... Emily made valedictorian for her class. I didn't know that there was such a thing as valedictorians in 8th grade but apparently at lb naz there is! Anyway because of this she gets to present a speech tomorrow, that should be a big hurdle for her since she doesn't always do too well in front of a large group of people, but she is definitely in my prayers again for this large step! So good luck bud, for tomorrow and high school, and all in the future.


At 6/08/2004 11:18:00 PM, Blogger OutOfTheSilent said...

I know you like time away from your sister... but have you ever thought about bringing her with you to church... I mean... especially with the focus we are sarting on... something to think about...


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