Tuesday, June 21, 2005


I saw a girl Andria who I had a class with last year and who lived on the same dorm floor as me at Petsmart today. Had a nice little chat with her.

Had a lady complain to me because a mug was put in the wrong spot and instead of 10 cents it was 25 cents.

Am going to the beach tomorrow and then shopping with my friend Dana and hopefully Emma.

Went to some guy friends baseball game last night with Corrie and then ate dinner and had some really good conversation with our friend Tony V.

Been thinking lately that I really want a new car. Right now I'm liking the Toyota Echo because it's cute and I feel like it suits me, Toyota's are pretty dependable, and it's not too expensive. Not sure if I want to start having a car payment though. But the bottom of the line '91 Camry is just not the car for me anymore. Besides the fact that it is starting to have minor problems all over the place. We'll see if I can save at least a little more before summer is over to make a decent down payment.

Had one manager ask me when I was leaving work because apparently she didn't yet know. And then didn't understand that I couldn't keep working there when I was going to school.

Had another manager ask me when I was leaving also, apparently there's communication problems here. I've never once tried to hide the fact that this can only be a summer job for me.

Then had that same manager tell me my drawer was off by $40 dollars yesterday. I thought for sure I was going to be fired until he told me that he found the money in another drawer. Still don't know how that happened.


At 6/22/2005 11:46:00 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

that was smart of you to put the 40 back in the other drawer... your no dummy are you...


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