So I finally got my hair cut and colored. The last time I had it professionally done was in the beginning of January! Man. Anyway, good stuff. I like it cause it's short and kind of fun for the summer. I took a picture of it because tomorrow when I try to style it myself it definitely won't look the same!! :)

Corrie you crack me up. I do actually own a hair dryer :P. And a round brush actually, you're just going to have to teach me how to use it! And yes I know... conditioner... I should actually maybe start taking care of my hair now!
It's not really what I had in mind at first... but I really like it!
looking very young lady like and collegic (which after searching the web to spell this word, and find its true definition, I now know it is not a word at all, according to any dictionary I could find on the web)
super cute! where did u get it done??
Tim I think you were looking for collegiate :)
I got it done at this place called Rocket Science. I've had the same person doing my hair since like middle school and she always does what I want and like!
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