Hanging Out With Dana Day
Yesterday I went to the beach with my friend Dana. Her friend Wendy joined us and then Sophia came too. It was so much fun. Even though we were just laying out I was having a blast hanging out with these girls. Then Dana, Sophia and I went shopping at Cerritos mall where Dana and I got our ears pierced. Dana was hesitant at first, but after I did mine Sophia and I talked her into it. I think it helped that I didn't lie to her, it really did hurt when it the lady first pierced it, but after a few minutes it wasn't that bad. After laying out we were kind of tired so we got soda's for a pick me up, and I proceeded to drop mine right in front of the stand, oops.
After all the fun shopping Sophia left and Dana and I went to the park and just messed around and took dorky pictures until her friend Susan was ready to go get dinner.

Dana has more pics on her camera.
We went to visit their friend at Hot Dog on A Stick, but she was kind of busy and not having the best day so we bought food elsewhere.
So then we headed over to Dana's house to watch a couple of cheesy episodes of Beverly Hills 90210.
And that was the end of the day, good times. I'm glad I'm getting the chance to hang out with Dana so much, she's a great friend. :)
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