Sunday, December 05, 2004

Poor Little Cell Phone

It's had a rough weekend. Well probably a rough life since I tend to drop it alot leaving dings and dents and scratches, as well as making the battery fly off when I dropped it.
Friday I managed to lose my phone, luckily for only about 2 hours. I guess it fell out of my sweatshirt pocket when I was getting lunch with Tricia the other day completely across campus. Well I was freaking out and called all of the places I'd been, but nope, none of them had it. I figured it was gone for good. I asked Tricia if she by some random chance had it. She actually had a missed call from me, odd since I didn't have my phone with me! I guess someone found it in West Commons and turned it into the bank and they called the last person I had talked to, Tricia. Anyway so I went to pick it up before my last class at 2:00. Luckily I went before and not after because they close at 2:00 and aren't open on the weekends. Cellphoneless for a whole weekend!? Ahh!
Today I went to charge my phone and it wasn't working. Well when I disconnected the charger to see why and only half of the chord lifted up with me I figured it out. Somehow I managed to snap it in half. So now my phone is about to die. Sadness.


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