Sunday, December 05, 2004

Friday afternoon and needed to get away...

So I went shopping! By myself. I have discovered that I really love shopping by myself, some alone time. I'm not sure why. Maybe because I really don't get a whole lot of alone time anymore. I went to a couple of different malls and was out for about 3.5 hours, it was nice.
I was noticing while out how many mother daughter couples there were shopping. I got a little bit homesick for my mom at that point. That was one thing we loved doing together, shopping. It was how we spent our "mother daughter" time since neither my sister or my dad like to shop. Somehow even when we had been in some argument for the past few days we got along and things were better for those few shopping hours. Somehow we just connected then, and no, it wasn't because she bought me things.
Well this is beginning to feel cheeseballish to me. But it was nice to think about good times spent with my mom for a bit. And definitely nice to be away from campus for a while. Sometimes I feel so stuck here, so it was good to clear my head and be by myself to think.


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