Thursday, December 02, 2004

Freshman 15

So I'm sure we've all heard of the Freshman 15. Where in the first year of college the average weight gained for freshman is 15 pounds. Originally I thought this was because college was so stressful that everyone ate more. Or because people were finally free to eat whatever they wanted... so they did. Or people weren't as active as they used to be.
Well after having discussions with other dorm friends and people from work we all seem to agree that the real reason for the weight gain is actually none of the above. It's the meal plan, coupled with the lack of freshly cooked food. It's actually really frustrating because it is actually not possible to eat healthy even if we want to. All of the places on campus are fast food to use the meal plan: Taco Bell, Juice it Up, Sabarro's, Steak Escape, Starbucks, Ferraro's Italian, Panda Express. The only semi healthy place is the Sub Connection, like a Subway. But I'm not really in the mood to eat a sandwich every single day. The grills on campus serve all fried or greasetefied foods. And the dining halls food isn't ever very appealing. And the only fruit is mixed fruit that is overwhelmingly honeydew melon and cantelope. I can only eat so much melon. And I can only force down so many boring salads.
It's ridiculous actually. Even if we are able to make it to the gym, you need more than just exercise to stay healthy. I used to train for soccer for at least 3 hours 5 days a week, and I was never thin. Only when one summer I went on a healthy diet of Weight Watchers was I finally able to lose 25 pounds. The healthy eating is essential, like all of the nutritionists have been saying forever.
Because of the fact that I live in the dorms 2 out of 3 of my meals every day are eating out. I have to use the meal plan which I have stopped trying to spend all of the money on it, unless it is to stalk up on bottles of water or something. Even then, it's hard when the options for the healthy food aren't there. I guess I'm just extremely frustrated. I have gained between 10 and 15 pounds myself so far, fluctuating week to week. This is at least 10 pounds heavier than I have EVER been. Even when I was binge eating for a while when I was having weight issues I was not this heavy. What is even more odd is I actually don't snack nearly as much as I used to, which used to be my problem. The meals that I do have are just so much more filling and unhealthy that it's actually worse. What makes me frustrated is that after talking to a lot of girls last night, I'm not the only one. The Freshman 15 really is true. Many girls were saying they'd gained between 10 and 20 pounds already. And this is just the first semester of school.
It's become one of the reasons I really want to move into an apartment next year (more on that later) so that I can have things like real cooked chicken. Lately it is not candy or sweets that I have been craving, it's cooked vegetables and fresh fruit and grilled chicken, not slathered with grease or butter.
At this rate next summer I'm going to have gained 30 pounds. What's going to be funny is over the holidays when people usually gain weight, but when I am home for 5 weeks, I have a feeling I might actually lose a little weight from eating more home cooked meals, we'll see...
For now, just frustration, the Freshman 15 problem, and my fatness.


At 12/03/2004 08:46:00 AM, Blogger OutOfTheSilent said...

well at least it is not a freshman 25... man that would mean we would all be gaining 35 pounds... crapy food all the time is not good... sorry to hear aobut that...

At 12/03/2004 01:14:00 PM, Blogger melissamae said...

sounds like someone or a few someones should bring the issues at hand up with the "powers that be" at your school...their first concern is YOU as students...or atleast it should be.


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