Thursday, July 22, 2004

College is already confusing... and I haven't even started yet :(

What I wanted to be doing: swimming and hanging out with friends Niki, Kevin and Garrett. What I did do: started trying to figure out which classes I needed to register for and looking at info for SDSU orientation (which is friday). The only conclusion I came to is that I'm pretty confused on what I need to take, but I do have to take Sociology. See I was accepted to the honors program at SDSU (the reason I wanted to be in it is because of priority registration aka finish school sooner maybe, or at least get the classes I want). But what it means is that I have to take one honors class each semester, but it fits into general ed classes so it's no big deal. But now I can't figure out which other classes to take cause I've already passed some AP courses in high school (college level courses) meaning I don't have to take all of the general ed classes. Anyway today confused me more than anything, but oh well at least I have questions for when orientation comes.                                                                                           On a more fun note tonight I got to spend some time with my friend Vanna who I haven't really seen or talked to in a while. We went to dinner and a movie and had a nice time talking at Starbucks afterward. I think we both had a lot on our minds and needed someone to talk to so it was cool to be able to hang out together and share with each other.                                        (By the way, you know when you get up at noon it's hard to go to sleep at a normal time, even if you have to get up early the next day! Well I guess the starbucks didn't help either. I'm totally awake right now and it's like almost 2 am... hmmm I have some stuff to read I think now's a good time to start)


At 7/22/2004 10:10:00 AM, Blogger thebensonator said...

haha... i'm sure she hasn't heard that one a bajillion times :)

At 7/22/2004 10:34:00 AM, Blogger melissamae said...

don't worry laura...everyone is going through the same stuff as you. the craziness of starting college is small part of being on your are going to do great!!!

At 7/22/2004 11:54:00 AM, Blogger OutOfTheSilent said...

I was just getting ready to tell you that they aren't going through the same things, cause you see, you had to go and be all smart and stuff and get that whole AP thing done, and enter the Honors program so like if you didn't do tht then things would be MUCH better, see what you get for being smart...


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