Wednesday, July 21, 2004

hanging out at the oc

Went to the beach, got sunburned face. Went on a double date to the oc fair, saw weird people, met a nice guy named garrett (my "date"). Got a tattoo, ate cpk, ate funnel cake. Now sleepy, off to bed.     By the way, just out of curiosity, I was thinking about it and the only way I know who actually reads my blog is if anyone comments. So right now I have it figured that about 4 people actually read it, which makes me sad, and feel like I shouldn't even keep blogging. I mean I told many a people about it... but apparently that doesn't mean too much. So if anyone else out there reads it, would you drop in a comment cause I'm kinda curious. :)


At 7/21/2004 08:48:00 AM, Blogger melissamae said...

dont be sad...lots of people prob read your blog. WHATS THIS ABOUT A TATTOO!! BETTER BE A LICK AND STICK.

At 7/21/2004 02:12:00 PM, Blogger OutOfTheSilent said...

in all honestly you shouldn't care who reads your blog, you have maybe ask the fundamental question:

Why Blogg?

Come up with your answer and then you will know if you should blogg or not...

Now what I think (which isn't very much)... I read these witty peoples blogs and envy their wit, but then I say "hold up there young sparky" (that is what I call myself), you aren't bloggin to BE witty... I mean if it HAPPENS GREAT... but if not that is ok too.."

So anyway I figure I blog because I like to write... And wether or not somebody reads it is neither here nor their... But I have already come to terms that I write for me (hopefully) others read... but I write for me...

Oh yeah I do get over 45 hits a day... And barely a comment... so some people are voyristic and dare not enter into who they are watching you...

At 7/21/2004 03:30:00 PM, Blogger melissamae said...

how was the date??


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