Thursday, July 08, 2004

Nother day

Let's see... me and my sis took my mom out to lunch... i went shopping for a memory stick... went rock climbing with a group of friends... went to see harry potter but actually saw spiderman 2 instead with Corrie... went around LAX like 5 times cause the lame-o security guards kept telling us we couldn't stop to pick up Corrie's roommate Vanessa's brother... got some yummy starbucks... and am now home.
Tomorrow's Emily's 15th b-day and I still have to wrap her present. I think we are going bowling and I am going to take her to Gourmet Pie for breakfast. And sometime tomorrow I have to do a lot of laundry (since I really don't feel like doing it right now) and then pack for New Jersey to go and visit the Macombers! I'm so excited I can't wait. Emma and I leave crazy early Friday morning and then we'll be there until next Friday! I told Melissa I feel like a little kid who gets to go to Disneyland for the first time, and this week is going by so slow too! :)


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